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Event In City Centre This Weekend

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Bizarre. Another big private funded event like Tramlines but hardly any mention of it.  You would barely know it was happening. 


I wonder if this, not fuelling the arguments on another thread, is the reason why no provision for a big screen is being considered for the match on Sunday. Although having a skim read the itinerary for this bouldering themed event or whatever it is, it seems there is already a big screen set up as part of it.


Either way, I personally think it absolutely rediculous that they are running a completely open, freely available, mass gathering event when we are still under covid restrictions and facing ever-increasing numbers of infections and the R rate.   At least with Tramlines, the bars and sporting venues numbers are being strictly controlled by tickets and strict entry policies.


I'm reading this event it's far more just turn up and join us.  Gonna be a risk surely.

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