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Richard Branson

Guest makapaka

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31 minutes ago, West 77 said:

It's pretty impressive another billionaire has successfully completed a mission into space for purpose of space tourism.  However history proves someone coming second is soon forgotten. Most people know that Sir Roger Bannister was the first athlete to run a mile under 4 minutes but hardly anyone knows who the second athlete was to run a mile under 4 minutes was.  Another good day for Great Britain that a foreigner has finished second. 


Rule Britannia!

Musk's SpaceX project has delivered astronauts to the International Space Station on 3 separate trips, the earliest being 30 May 2020. Branson's and Bezos's minutes long trips to the edge of space and back pale into insignificance compared to that.

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11 hours ago, West 77 said:

It's pretty impressive another billionaire has successfully completed a mission into space for purpose of space tourism.  However history proves someone coming second is soon forgotten. Most people know that Sir Roger Bannister was the first athlete to run a mile under 4 minutes but hardly anyone knows who the second athlete was to run a mile under 4 minutes was.  Another good day for Great Britain that a foreigner has finished second. 


Rule Britannia!

Bezos went 10 miles higher apparently & in a proper rocket. 


Angry Astronaut Alert! 

I was listening to the the news last night, when they had a bloke from NASA on who had been through all the years of NASA training & had flown a mission or two on the Space Shuttle & been to the International Space Station.   He was clearly irked that the media are referring to the likes of Branson & Bezos as 'Astronauts'. 

Edited by Baron99
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Guest makapaka
11 hours ago, West 77 said:

It's pretty impressive another billionaire has successfully completed a mission into space for purpose of space tourism.  However history proves someone coming second is soon forgotten. Most people know that Sir Roger Bannister was the first athlete to run a mile under 4 minutes but hardly anyone knows who the second athlete was to run a mile under 4 minutes was.  Another good day for Great Britain that a foreigner has finished second. 


Rule Britannia!

Old, multi billionaire, Tax specialist, necker island resident Richard Branson sure gave Johnny Foreigner a pasting in the race to space.



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12 hours ago, West 77 said:

It's pretty impressive another billionaire has successfully completed a mission into space for purpose of space tourism.  However history proves someone coming second is soon forgotten. Most people know that Sir Roger Bannister was the first athlete to run a mile under 4 minutes but hardly anyone knows who the second athlete was to run a mile under 4 minutes was.  Another good day for Great Britain that a foreigner has finished second. 


Rule Britannia!

How much of the design, manufacture, assembly and testing did Richard Branson direct his company to carry out in "Britannia"?

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7 hours ago, Yawn367 said:

He owes millions in taxes.

It really is awful. He can easily pay it.

Just chooses not to.

I’ll never get it.

It’s disgusting, maybe I’m getting old or soft of summat.

What taxes does he owe? I dont think he even lives in the UK, he owns an island and visits various countries.

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1 hour ago, Yawn367 said:

Richard Branson won a £1bn of NHS contracts last year, as £3.1bn of health services were privatised. The Tories pledged the proportion of care provided by limited companies. They lied.


Virgin Care pay no UK tax.


The owners of the Telegraph and The Ritz, pay no tax. Haven’t for well over a decade.


Because they live on their own island.😒


It’s not just them.


All at it.

There was more he owed.


Darn, if only you’d ask me two years ago.

Ahhh.... so you can't actually prove he and they owe anything within the definitions and mandatory enforcement of our tax laws then.


Cut the Waffle. Why don't you just be honest and say what you really mean.......


YOU think they should morally forced to pay more tax than the law says they have to simply because "they rich init".    Well unfortunately we don't have a court of morals and that's not how it works.


Like all other successful organisations they are not in the habit of paying  extra money when they don't legally have to. Thats the reason  companies employ very skilled clever lawyers and accountants to make sure they know the rules inside out.  It's business.


Don't know why are you singling out these particular organisations. Any business will do exactly the same.


If you don't like the system, go complaining to the people in Parliament who can actually do something about it.

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