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The Future Of Sheffield City Centre

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I like my local cobbler and it's closed down, I can't say that I ever used it because that would be a lie, I didn't.

But I liked having it there. A genial old man in a brown coat, stitching up battered clogs, reminded me of a time when we didn't throw away our training shoes because they went out of fashion, or because our football team signed a sponsorship deal with Puma.

Waste not, want not, it wasn't called that, but it should have been.

The florist has gone too, I can't say I ever used that, either, mainly because the girl who runs the rival business across the road is much prettier, but again, I liked living in an area that had two florists, and now I don't anymore.


Other shops that have closed down in the last few years include the Hi-Fi shop, the bra shop, the children's clothing shop, both off-licences and the delicatessen.

Now I should explain at this point that I did use the Deli. once, I bought some cheese there and it was very nice, so nice sadly, that I actually bought some more, but I liked the idea,

Now if I were in town, buying some stamps, of getting my shoes mended, and if I was overcome by the need for a spot of Wensleydale, I could sally forth, and get some, and now, I can't............


Obviously I'm on about Sheffield City Centre.

I reckon most City Centres are the same, Bland, featureless desert's of Estate Agents, Fast-Food joints, and Charity shops.

I know that Charity shops perform a vital service, I am aware of this and I wish them all the very best as they leach into the premise's once occupied by Butchers, Bakers, and Candlestick makers, the trouble is I hate them.

Who wants to buy a Victorian teapot, I don't like being reminded that when I go into town, it's still possible to buy a teapot which is no good, when you want to buy some cheese, or a romper suit.

A Victorian teapot is no good even if you want a cup of tea, so I don't want one, even if it's only 3d -as it usually says on the label.


I suppose, if push came to shove, I'd rather have a Charity shop than a set of whitewashed windows that sit like broken teeth in the gums of the High Street, reminding their former owners of their failure.

However, what I really want is the cobbler back, and the Bra shop, and the Florist, and at least one Butcher.

They won't be back though. They're gone for good, and it's a worry because when you take away a Town Centre's independent retailers, you take away it's soul. You also take away the reason for going there. And then what?

Why live cheek by jowl in the flabby doughnut when there's no Jam in the centre.


I'm interested in how do we stop the rot, we need to work out why, all of a sudden, so many small shops are shutting up for good.

Some people blame the coming recession, but many of these places had signs above the door saying they were established in 1890.

That means they have survived past recessions, wars, and diphtheria.

The most common scapegoat is the Supermarkets or the out-of-town retail parks.

People say that it's much cheaper to buy cheese from ASDA than it is to buy it from a chap in an apron in your local Deli, this is true, but if it's cheapness you want, then surely it would be cheaper to make it yourself, all you need is some milk, rennet and Hey Presto.


No! I suspect the reason we choose to visit the supermarket, rather than flog our way around the town, is because towns were designed by King Alfred, supermarkets are more convenient.

That, I think is where the solution can be found,

Realistically, we can never do anything to reverse the spread of supermarkets, but we can level the playing fields, We have to make town-centre shopping easier. And that can be achieved by getting rid of traffic wardens, or Civil Enforcement Officers as they are now called. How Russian is that?

Whatever they're called, I'm not suggesting they should be put in a Vat and melted down, but if this was necessary, so be it.

The fact is, they have to go, All of them!

On the rare occasions I go into town, I finish up with a parking ticket, If I'm driving along, and suddenly feel the urge for a Bra, I find a perfectly sensible place that causes no inconvenience to anyone, pop into the shop, to find it's only selling Victorian Tea-Pots, come out again..... and Blam, I've been done again, if they put that much effort into catching terrorists, nothing would ever explode again.

It's as if Towns don't want you to stop and shop, and, of course, many don't, their run by people who cling to the outdated notion that man has caused Global warming,

They would rather the locals stayed at home and beat themselves with twigs, but even enlightened boroughs continue to employ Civil Storm Troopers, which means they are employing a body of people whose sole job is to kill the Town.


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40 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Where is this deli in town that closed down @Padders?

Oh dear! :huh:

What is wrong with you, Mr Risen?

Mr Padders has obviously spent a lot of time and effort into producing a very entertaining and witty post based on an EXAGGERATION of a real-life situation (as ALL successful humour is)...

... and your contribution is to ask where the FICTITIOUS deli in town is that's closed down. :roll:


You are forever handing out Whooshes to anyone who doesn't 'get' your 'jokes'...

... well maybe you should read a few more of Mr Padders' posts and really learn how to make people giggle? :hihi:

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1 minute ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Well that's your loss then!

Maybe you should try a bit harder to fully read and understand posts before you let your fingers bash away at the keyboard? :roll:

Not at all, make it more consice and I may bother next time @Padders

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