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New Rules On Heading A Football


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Is this going to far....


I agree that years ago footballs were heavy especially when it rained they seemed to get heavier like concrete....


Footballs today are like beach balls I feel this as been over thought !!!!!


It won’t be long until football won’t even be recognised as football !!!!...


I for one hope this rule doesn’t come into effect !!!....


Edited by Box11
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I'm sure they tested new balls compared to older ones and the new ones were no lighter or not far off the weight of older ones when headed by a player. 

I think in juniors things like this should be brought in however the adult professional game I don't see how they can do it plus they're adults so should have the choice wether to head the ball or not 

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Christ my late bro in the early 70s had leather balls like cannon balls got to have skulls like rock to head them.

If ye got them in ye groin be picking other balls out the net 😆.

Think heading is a great part of the game but it is a issue though 

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15 hours ago, Box11 said:

Is this going to far....


I agree that years ago footballs were heavy especially when it rained they seemed to get heavier like concrete....


Footballs today are like beach balls I feel this as been over thought !!!!!


It won’t be long until football won’t even be recognised as football !!!!...


I for one hope this rule doesn’t come into effect !!!....


Your post is rather vague, perhaps a link or some explanation of these new rules would help people form an opinion.....

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For me, having played with the old caseballs and the newer ones, the problem with the leather ball was when wet.  It's no good trying to weigh them both dry!  You certainly knew when you'd had contact with a wet one!!


Take away heading, and you are taking the game another step into making it into a sterile parody of the original game.  No tackling from behind, hard but fair challengers earning people yellow and sometimes red cards and so on are making it more non-contact, and our good physical sport is going further away from its roots. 


I just wish that people who are trying to alter the game moved on to other sports - let them look at boxing.  Tell kids they can't punch each other more than a certain number of times in a bout, that they can't hit their opponent in the head in case they get dementure 50 years later.

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27 minutes ago, Thirsty Relic said:

For me, having played with the old caseballs and the newer ones, the problem with the leather ball was when wet.  It's no good trying to weigh them both dry!  You certainly knew when you'd had contact with a wet one!!


Take away heading, and you are taking the game another step into making it into a sterile parody of the original game.  No tackling from behind, hard but fair challengers earning people yellow and sometimes red cards and so on are making it more non-contact, and our good physical sport is going further away from its roots. 


I just wish that people who are trying to alter the game moved on to other sports - let them look at boxing.  Tell kids they can't punch each other more than a certain number of times in a bout, that they can't hit their opponent in the head in case they get dementure 50 years later.

I think limiting it for under 11's at least is probably the right thing to do, maybe even up to 16 but not after that.  Educate on the risks but down to them if they still want to head it.

33 minutes ago, Alextopman said:

Your post is rather vague, perhaps a link or some explanation of these new rules would help people form an opinion.....

It's something like they can only head the ball 10 times in one session or per week, I can't remember which but I don't think it counts for actual games, just training. Only school ages though, it's not been brought into the adult game yet, hopefully never though.

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28 minutes ago, NERVY-OWL said:

I think limiting it for under 11's at least is probably the right thing to do, maybe even up to 16 but not after that.  Educate on the risks but down to them if they still want to head it.

It's something like they can only head the ball 10 times in one session or per week, I can't remember which but I don't think it counts for actual games, just training. Only school ages though, it's not been brought into the adult game yet, hopefully never though.

Thanks Pal.

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As others have said, no need for heading in the junior leagues. 


There have been a number of high profile, well known former footballers who played from the late 1950's to the mid 1980's who will have trained & played with the old heavy footballs, who have been diagnosed or died with dementia & sad as this is for them & their families, they are a tiny percentage of the number of footballers who played during that period of time. 


You can't take heading out of the game.  Where would that leave corners, long range, indirect free kicks, long throw-ins into the box? 

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6 hours ago, Baron99 said:

As others have said, no need for heading in the junior leagues. 


There have been a number of high profile, well known former footballers who played from the late 1950's to the mid 1980's who will have trained & played with the old heavy footballs, who have been diagnosed or died with dementia & sad as this is for them & their families, they are a tiny percentage of the number of footballers who played during that period of time. 


You can't take heading out of the game.  Where would that leave corners, long range, indirect free kicks, long throw-ins into the box? 

Your right Baron99...


It would have a massive impact on the game it just wouldn’t be the same...

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