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Food From My Past

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3 hours ago, old tup said:

As a youngster in the 40s and50s our daily diet was always cooked from scratch by our Mum,we had a small holding with two pig styes both occupied also we had over 30 rabbits in a large hutch,6 geese and several chickens plus cockeral!,Two nannie goats and in the barn a dray horse plus a pony,3 cats and 3 dogs to deal with the vermin !.As you can imagine we didn,t go short of fresh meat and eggs,in those days nothing was wasted and everyone regulary consumed offal especially my dad,I couldn ,t stomach some of the stuff he ate!.For example tripe and onions,I tried it and it was like chewing rubber,another one beast heart,the smell made me gipp never mind the taste!.He loved finny hadock in milk,I loved pigs trotters and liver and onions,rabbit,chicken and any part of a pig the saying was the only part of a pig you cant eat was its squeal,they were slaughtered on site and butchered,the blood was turned into black pudding,the meat preserved in course salt that was my job!.It was very rare we had anything out of tins or packets,all vegetables came from allotments just below the Five Arches Herries Road we didn,t realise how well off we were with our diet we just took it for granted!.

I think you've hit the nail on the head with the 'we didn't realise'

Thanks for sharing Old Tup :thumbsup:

We had nothing like that, but always had a full plate (including the Tripe, onions & potato's in a white sauce in't pressure cooker)

The only thing I wouldn't eat out of that lot would be Goose, Brain, & heart & it's not because i haven't tried them,

they're just not my taste.


Goat Curry - nothing better.


On 01/09/2021 at 14:07, FIRETHORN1 said:

Vesta Ready Meals, Smash Instant Mashed Potato, 

Keep having the odd Vesta meal, just for old times reminiscing & then wonder why :confused:

The 'crispy noodles were probably the best part :bigsmile:


Keep safe 

If yer can't eat well,

eat lots 🧐

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8 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

I think you've hit the nail on the head with the 'we didn't realise'

Thanks for sharing Old Tup :thumbsup:

We had nothing like that, but always had a full plate (including the Tripe, onions & potato's in a white sauce in't pressure cooker)

The only thing I wouldn't eat out of that lot would be Goose, Brain, & heart & it's not because i haven't tried them,

they're just not my taste.


Goat Curry - nothing better.


Keep having the odd Vesta meal, just for old times reminiscing & then wonder why :confused:

The 'crispy noodles were probably the best part :bigsmile:


Keep safe 

If yer can't eat well,

eat lots 🧐

Rockers rule, Your mention of goat curry takes me back to the late '60s and Shades on Ecclesall Road. Never had it at home but tried it there once! Can't say I've seen it on any menus since.



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8 hours ago, echo beach said:

Rockers rule, Your mention of goat curry takes me back to the late '60s and Shades on Ecclesall Road. Never had it at home but tried it there once! Can't say I've seen it on any menus since.



Hello Echo.

It's always on the menu people just don't know it.

'Meat Curry' usually = Goat hence that nice almost Muttony taste.

Star of Asia London Rd was our favourite Indian back in't 80's. 

Their Vindaloo was outstanding.

Happy Daze.


We used to have to travel up to Leeds for our fresh Goat meat, 

but I did manage to buy some from the new Sheffield market a while ago.


Keep safe

Eat well.




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4 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Hello Echo.

It's always on the menu people just don't know it.

'Meat Curry' usually = Goat hence that nice almost Muttony taste.

Star of Asia London Rd was our favourite Indian back in't 80's. 

Their Vindaloo was outstanding.

Happy Daze.


We used to have to travel up to Leeds for our fresh Goat meat, 

but I did manage to buy some from the new Sheffield market a while ago.


Keep safe

Eat well.




There used  to be a butchers near Firshill school that sold goat meat.  Don't know if it is still there

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Ah the Vesta meal. When I was a kid this was exotic fare eaten only by adults. I didn’t realise they were still made until a few years ago when me and the OH spotted them and bought a couple to see what culinary delights we had missed out on all those years ago. Well, to be honest I would rather have eaten the box it came in. Utter crap, I can’t believe there’s even a market for this nowadays. Convenience foods have evolved way beyond this level of dross. On the upside though our lass made us a lovely corned beef and tater pie for tea yesterday. Nice thick crust and a dash of Hendoes.👍

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1 hour ago, Jim117 said:

Ah the Vesta meal. When I was a kid this was exotic fare eaten only by adults. I didn’t realise they were still made until a few years ago when me and the OH spotted them and bought a couple to see what culinary delights we had missed out on all those years ago. Well, to be honest I would rather have eaten the box it came in. Utter crap, I can’t believe there’s even a market for this nowadays. Convenience foods have evolved way beyond this level of dross. On the upside though our lass made us a lovely corned beef and tater pie for tea yesterday. Nice thick crust and a dash of Hendoes.👍

Smash instant potato's spread out on't plate separate in't middle to form a halo pour the delicious Chow Mein mix into the middle top with the crispy noodles (if you ain't burnt them because if you left them even for a nano second after they had puffed up as if by magic they became brown deep fried twigs from't garden) of course if you were really posh you could push the 'Hostess Trolley' in t' living room with the foul smelling / sorry as the advert said 'Bit different Nice and Tasty Vesta Meal' .

Your Boss from the Bank couldn't help but be impressed.


You could always (as we did on occasions) add a small amount of fresh mincemeat.

(It didn't make the perfume tasting mess any better :hihi:)


Keep safe out there

Eat well 

if you can't 

Eat lot's :thumbsup:

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A favourite chip shop meal we loved as schoolkids was after we were heading home from a Wednesday night swimming session at Upperthorpe Baths sponsored by Stalker Drill works!.After drying off we had a 1penny hot bovril drink at the baths and set off through the old Kelvin to the chippy,on arrival we purchased a large balm cake plus fish and chips!.We ate the fish first at the same time as bread dug out from the middle of the balm cake with our fingers after which we stuffed all the chips into the cavity creating a huge buttie which we polished off in no time!.Our expenditure was the princely sum of 1 shilling and 6 pence,seven and a half new pence in todays money,

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44 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

Can you remember POBS. Hot milk with bread and sugar in it, if you had anything wrong with your throat.

Never heard of it Kidorry.

Looked it up on't internet and it says it's a 'North of England' thing.

Glasgow's far enough up 'North' never heard of it.

No doubt the morning bowl of porridge (with salt) kept any throat problems away.


Keep safe. 

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A couple of years ago I posted a piece about when my Grandma Hollis used to take me shopping as the bag carrier around Hillsborough,this was late 40s and food rationing was still ongoing!.This time I recall we ended up down Holme Lane somewhere in the area of the Tramsheds,where we joined the queue at the horsemeat shop!.I remember the meat hung in the window having yellow fat on it not white like beef,also the smell in the shop ,in front of us was an old lady,they all looked old to me!.She told the man serving "Its for the dogs you know!",yere right pull the other one thought I!.There was nothing wrong with horsemeat if it is fresh the French and Belgians eat it nowadays no problems,also I remember the shop at Hillsborough Corner with lots of rabbits hung outside for sale,a thing you never see nowadays!.I loved rabbit stew with carrots and onions,very tasty!.

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