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Food From My Past

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The Attic in the alley way just off high st,  ham salad on french, MASSIVE, 🥰  Chubby's after night out at Josies, big cheese burger with their special cheese,  after all that Im still partial to bread and drippin, tripe and chitlin, not at the same time tho. :thumbsup:

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Nothing personal.

Can't believe No one has mentioned Gooseberry's.

Happy day's picking Gooseberry's from under, my Grans glass frame in the veg patch (next to the Anderson shelter).

Always had a thing about anything with a 'sharp' taste, so the Green Plump, Spiky fruits  were (are) just my thing.


Gooseberry Crumble 'n' thick Custard

Whats not to like?


Keep safe

Eat well.


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37 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

The goosegogs (sheffield) are the red variety in my garden and very sweet. Did you use to go to the allotments with a little bag of sugar and scrounge some rhubarb off one of the gardeners, we did. Great.

No. I've mentioned it before, we lived up Bocking Lane when we moved down here.

Opposite my Grans just through the woods there were abandoned allotments (prior to the Chancet wood estate being built).

For a long time things were still growing. Rhubarb was taller than us, apples were bigger than anything I've seen since & berries of all descriptions were everywhere (including Logan berry's) .

Gran cooked fruit pies near enough every day.

She'd a Cherry tree in't garden as well. 

Sound Good?

It was.


Happy Daze.

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It’s the time of year when we will be taking our granddaughter blackberry picking, there are loads round here. We get free apples from relatives so my OH will be making blackberry and apple crumble for the freezer. Lovely to scoff with custard in the middle of winter.

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Pobs -I remember being told (I'm from Derbyshire) meant Pieces Of  Bread Soaked and was often used when people were so disabled it was all they could manage to eat/drink.. There was an expression used about people at the end of their life when their friends/ relatives would say about, say, Uncle Fred, 'It's POBS I'm afraid 'meaning he was about to expire !

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