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Our Planet Is On Fire

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Just now, butlers said:

New  european high temp set only yesterday48.8C.


A toasty. 119.8f


The previous high was Athens in 1977 at 48C





Fortunately the World does not consist only of Europe.


It's actually winter in the Southern Hemisphere!  Lol




"WeatherwatchAustralia weather"


"Cold spell in south-eastern Australia breaks temperature records for May!


Melbourne has coldest May morning since 1949, with 1.7C, while Adelaide has its joint coldest May night since 1927 at 3.5C"

Edited by trastrick
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Google Denver Airport Paintings....


I believe they have all been removed now but maybe the artist was trying to tell us something !!!!....


There is definitely something seriously wrong with the world and the climate which we will all have to adapt to live in these new conditions....


There is also the Gulf Stream and scientists are saying it’s close to collapsing....


Very worrying times ahead for everyone!!!!!.....

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It does call for new laws regarding cataclysmic  damage to earth events.

Homes could go underground instead of over ground to reduce heat radiation.

Travelling more than an hour to work routinely could be made illegal.

Cycling and walking made safer.

People could plant a tree every year.

People could shop carefully and use recyclable packaging

People could invest in personal power generation for small wind turbines without planning permission

Life prisoners could no longer be a burden


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27 minutes ago, Findlay said:

It does call for new laws regarding cataclysmic  damage to earth events.

Homes could go underground instead of over ground to reduce heat radiation.

Travelling more than an hour to work routinely could be made illegal.

Cycling and walking made safer.

People could plant a tree every year.

People could shop carefully and use recyclable packaging

People could invest in personal power generation for small wind turbines without planning permission

Life prisoners could no longer be a burden


A mix of ideas there, plant trees, live in a bunker and execute life prisoners (presumably, or release them, who knows)

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9 hours ago, Box11 said:

Google Denver Airport Paintings....


I believe they have all been removed now but maybe the artist was trying to tell us something !!!!....


There is definitely something seriously wrong with the world and the climate which we will all have to adapt to live in these new conditions....


There is also the Gulf Stream and scientists are saying it’s close to collapsing....


Very worrying times ahead for everyone!!!!!.....

So much to worry about, and so little time!


The Weather Network

Updated on Sat., Jul. 17, 4:55 a.m.



'Wobbling' moon will cause devastating worldwide flooding, NASA warns!


Then there's this.


Jennifer Anniston is reported to be dating ex co-star David Schwimmer.


Will she have her little heart broken yet again?



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34 minutes ago, trastrick said:




'Wobbling' moon will cause devastating worldwide flooding, NASA warns!





Not exactly flooding Trastrick..

Due to the "Wobble" big lumps of green cheese will detach themselves from the moon's surface. these will then enter the Earths atmosphere and melt..

Consequently we will all have to get used to walking around looking like a Welsh Rarebit.

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5 hours ago, Padders said:

Not exactly flooding Trastrick..

Due to the "Wobble" big lumps of green cheese will detach themselves from the moon's surface. these will then enter the Earths atmosphere and melt..

Consequently we will all have to get used to walking around looking like a Welsh Rarebit.

Hmmm...  :huh:

... I'll be watching this Caerphilly! :suspect:

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A little science, not to mention common sense, is always good to bring to the debate.


Folks who choose to live in wildfire prone areas, below volcanoes, on earthquake faults, beaches, sandspits, barrier islands, and below sea level, and on historic flood plain lands will always pay a price.


And the more folks build in theses areas, the cost of devastation of natural events will rise accordingly.


They rate devastation in terms of total cost, these days.


Look it up!


So much for common sense.


Now for a little science:


"The Ecological Benefits of Fire - National Geographic


It might seem counterintuitive that a fire, which burns plant life and endangers animals within an ecosystem, could promote ecological health. But fire is a natural phenomenon, and nature has evolved with its presence. Many ecosystems benefit from periodic fires, because they clear out dead organic material—and some plant and animal populations require the benefits fire brings to survive and reproduce.


Several plants actually require fire to move along their life cycles. For example, seeds from many pine tree species are enclosed in pine cones that are covered in pitch, which must be melted by fire for the seeds to be released. Other trees, plants, and flowers, like certain types of lilies, also require fire for seed germination.


Even some animals depend on fire. The sole food source for the endangered Karner blue butterfly caterpillar (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) is a plant called wild lupine (Lupine perennis). Wild lupine requires fire to maintain an ecosystem balance in which it can thrive. Without fire, the lupines do not flourish, and the caterpillars cannot consume enough food to undergo metamorphosis and become butterflies. In this way, healthier, post-burn plant populations generally have broad food web effects that trickle up to the foragers and other animals in the ecosystem. Similarly, animals that use pine trees for their homes benefit from the germinating powers of fire.


Perhaps surprisingly, the animal casualties from wildfires are low—animals survive by burrowing into the ground or fleeing to safer areas. Conversely, fires can help rid an ecosystem of invasive species that have not adapted to regular wildland fires. While animals and plants within fire-prone ecosystems have adapted to thrive within a cycle of wildfires, invasive plants and animals are less likely to recover and could thus be controlled or even eradicated from the ecosystem they invaded"

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