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3 hours ago, Padders said:

Who remembers the summer of 1976?

May to September, not a cloud in the sky, scorching hot, drought conditions, 

Imagine if were lucky enough to have another one of those, the media will have a field day.

We ad propers summers when I were a lad .

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I remember that Padders, standpipe warnings and all. Remember the plague of greenfly and then the plague of ladybirds to eat them? I used to love the proper summer thunder storms that would clear the air after a really humid spell.

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4 minutes ago, butlers said:

1976 is the the hottest summer even though the record highest temp has been beaten several times recently.


The Met office has  the 11th warmest years since 1884 happening since 2002.

1976 is not in that list.

That is just weather though. A countries weather can change at any time. I was reading a couple of days ago about the change in deep ocean currents that COULD make the UK much colder.

Just a news story, not buying myself a warm coat just yet  :)


Remember the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow," in which a catastrophic series of global disasters strike after climate change causes the world's ocean currents to stop? Well, new research reveals Earth's major ocean currents are slowing down, and though the consequences will not be as immediate or dramatic as in the Hollywood fiction, there are real-world impacts for global weather patterns and sea levels.

The slowdown of ocean circulation is directly caused by warming global temperatures and has been predicted by climate scientists.



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26 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Norway's lakes where winter sports are played every winter did not freeze up last year the first time since records began , . just a blip int it !!!!!!!.

Norway sweltered in the record heat, 2019



We need to listen to what the experts are saying about the earths climate, not what journalists are telling us about the weather.

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16 hours ago, butlers said:

Spain just had an all the record high.


47.4 C.   117.3f.


A good few places had nightime lows of over 41C  105f

Meanwhile in the Southern Hemisphere (where it's winter right now)


Brazil’s Santa Catarina state shivering from cold with record-breaking -8.9° C
Urupema and Bom Jardim da Serra recorded temperatures below -8 °C on Friday (30)

By The Rio Times -July 30, 2021

"Snowstorm in Africa!" -- South Afica Smashes 19 All-Time Low Records

https electroverse dot net  Jul. 23, 2021 


Cold spell in south-eastern Australia breaks temperature records. Adelaide had its joint coldest May night since 1927 at 3.5C. More recently, on the morning of the 31st, the town of Renmark recorded its coldest ...

https theguardian dot com › australia-news › Jun. 10, 2021 



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56 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Meanwhile in the Southern Hemisphere (where it's winter right now)


Brazil’s Santa Catarina state shivering from cold with record-breaking -8.9° C
Urupema and Bom Jardim da Serra recorded temperatures below -8 °C on Friday (30)

By The Rio Times -July 30, 2021

"Snowstorm in Africa!" -- South Afica Smashes 19 All-Time Low Records

https electroverse dot net  Jul. 23, 2021 


Cold spell in south-eastern Australia breaks temperature records. Adelaide had its joint coldest May night since 1927 at 3.5C. More recently, on the morning of the 31st, the town of Renmark recorded its coldest ...

https theguardian dot com › australia-news › Jun. 10, 2021 



So its climate change int it .

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56 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

So its climate change int it .

No, it's weather.


Climate is defined as a 30 year change.


In the 41 years since NOAA's satellites have ben monitoring temperatures and polar ice, the warming anomaly for the Earth's lower trophosphere (which is where you and I live) is 0.2 degrees.


No warming over the last 5 years.


And that is scientifically satatistically insignificant, with no marhin of error given,


Can you do the math for the next 50 years?





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