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Annoying Small Change.

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9 hours ago, Padders said:

I must confess that a Habit, Passion, Hobby of mine, is lurking around my local school, at dinner time, The kids come out and purchase their meals from the surrounding shops, any 1p or 2p coins they receive in change, they chuck in the gutter..

I take great enjoyment in retrieving them..

Be a lot better though if they were 5p's or 10p's.

Now we find the real reason behind the OP!


What about the rest of us that have to pay when everything gets rounded up?  £2.99 becomes £3 etc..  How many goods already cost £3.01 and could be be rounded down? 


Don't forget what happened when they abolished the .5 np, and, before that, when decimalization changed the currency - both used as a good excuse to raise prices.

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14 hours ago, bassett one said:

i suggest you put them in a jar and once a year take them to the supermarket and put them in the money machine and take the cash,donate to charity or save on your shopping with the reciept,so its not all bad padders,or you could donate to mr chansiri ,every penny helps as they say

Too true, as is the old saying, look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves.

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10 hours ago, Thirsty Relic said:

Now we find the real reason behind the OP!


What about the rest of us that have to pay when everything gets rounded up?  £2.99 becomes £3 etc..  How many goods already cost £3.01 and could be be rounded down? 


Don't forget what happened when they abolished the .5 np, and, before that, when decimalization changed the currency - both used as a good excuse to raise prices.

Yep..and what's worse is when you go to the petrol pump and just go over by 1p.


Hate that, so end up filling to at least to double digits- makes me feel better 🙃 


Petrol pump has never said  "penny's on us"


Going back to OP, I think I have got at least £3.50 in 1 and 2p's in my glove box (bagged). Just waiting to give away to either a homeless person or shove down a self service machine.

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1 hour ago, Mr Fisk said:



Going back to OP, I think I have got at least £3.50 in 1 and 2p's in my glove box (bagged). Just waiting to give away to either a homeless person or shove down a self service machine.


Shop keepers hate having to count all those 1 & 2p coins before they hand over a can of Special Brew  :gag:

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2 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I've noticed more places have stopped accepting 1p and 2p coins.  Apparently any shop can refuse to accept more than the value of 20p in 1p and 2p coins.  

This has been the case for decades, the whole concept of "legal tender".

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12 hours ago, Thirsty Relic said:



Don't forget what happened when they abolished the .5 np, and, before that, when decimalization changed the currency - 

Back in the day, If I remember correctly, everyone was against decimalization..

I think we should go back to Pounds, Shillings, and Pence.. 

Todays young un's wouldn't know what had hit them..

240 pennies to the pound, now that would be fun.

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