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Who Is Arming The Taliban .

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6 hours ago, Longcol said:

Wise after the event.


Looking for your predictions from 7 years ago that this would happen but all I can find is posts on Sheffield History.....................................oh well.

Oh well.


You won't find me posting much political stuff on "Sheffield History and Ex-Pats".



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7 hours ago, Longcol said:



"History will mark Aug. 15, 2021, as the date that the Afghan government collapsed and the Taliban retook control over this troubled and war-torn country. But the real date that the Taliban’s victory was assured is Feb. 29, 2020, the day the Trump administration signed what it characterized as a “peace” deal with the Taliban.


The fact that the United States entered into negotiations and then an agreement with the Taliban, without even inviting the Afghan government to the table, undercut the power and legitimacy of the government.


The agreement contained no enforcement mechanisms and included no penalties on the Taliban for failing to comply with its terms."

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

I'd like to know where all the politicians & generals, but particular the politicians from the past 20 years, (so that would cover most Parties), from all those countries & NGO's that have been involved in Afghanistan are now? 


The ones who have been telling the taxpaying masses, that the billions that have been spent on Afghanistan, was making a fantastic difference to the citizens of Afghanistan, particularly women & girls. 


Where are they now that those hard fought for gains appear to have melted away within a few days?  On reflection, it now appears to be money wasted, if we've all now decided to simply move out & give up. 


But there had been massive improvements, which is why it's such a shame it all fell over so quickly.  There had been a fantastic amount of building and development done, more freedom for the people and more business and jobs.


But there was also fantastic corruption and clearly money just pis*ed up the wall trying to train that joke of an army.

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10 minutes ago, geared said:

it's such a shame it all fell over so quickly.

Hey, the Americans have an election for president every 4 years so one does have to plan for 'contingencies'.


10 minutes ago, geared said:

trying to train that joke of an army.

Why are you blaming the Afghan army? Nato forces were the first to drop rifles.

Edited by Carbuncle
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23 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

Hey, the Americans have an election for president every 4 years so one does have to plan for 'contingencies'.


Why are you blaming the Afghan army? Nato forces were the first to drop rifles.

Which nato forces ???......

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3 hours ago, Baron99 said:

I'd like to know where all the politicians & generals, but particular the politicians from the past 20 years, (so that would cover most Parties), from all those countries & NGO's that have been involved in Afghanistan are now? 


The ones who have been telling the taxpaying masses, that the billions that have been spent on Afghanistan, was making a fantastic difference to the citizens of Afghanistan, particularly women & girls. 


Where are they now that those hard fought for gains appear to have melted away within a few days?  On reflection, it now appears to be money wasted, if we've all now decided to simply move out & give up. 

The US generals, including the Chairman of the JCS himself, had been all over Trump, then Biden, requesting a better-planned and phased withdrawal, to avoid exactly what they were foreseeing, which has now happened.


The politicians, well…


The British ones are in the Commons right now, wherein the ex-Ministers and ex-Secretaries with skin in the Afghanistan game yesteryear, who have since resumed Parliamentary representative duties, are all busy asking hard questions of Johnson.


The US ones, at least the Republicans, reportedly cleaned their political party website yesterday, of any and all references and pages about Trump’s 2020 peace deal, and are all busy finger-pointing at and asking hard questions of Biden.


Make of this what you will. But one thing is clear: there has not been a failure of intelligence (-services), there has been a failure of policy-making based on intelligence.

There are ample reports of NATO countries’ embassy personnel clearing out of Kabul early last weekend, without telling zip to their Afghani employees of however-many-years, who only found out when they turned up for work and saw no-one there.

Edited by L00b
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59 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

And they were fighting when the US/ Nato/ we abandoned them. Blaming the Afghan military is an excuse for our failures.

I’m not blaming them matey but they should have put up more of a fight I believe there is a part of Afghanistan that they are in a fight instead of walking away.....



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