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Who Is Arming The Taliban .

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44 minutes ago, Box11 said:

they should have put up more of a fight

It may be the case that if the Afghan military had acted as an cohesive fighting force they could have held the Taliban and it does appear to be the case that they were not a cohesive fighting force.


But the US (administration and to some extent media) is trying to shift the blame for cutting and running. It would be a good idea if we in the West acknowledged our shortcomings or we will be apt to repeat our mistakes. After we broke Iraq, we were still keen to join in with the breaking of Libya. We failed to learn the lesson that just because a country is run by a monster does not mean we cannot make the situation worse.

Edited by Carbuncle
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They had already made a deal they would leave the country by September, it wasn't as though it was completely unknown that they were off.


Afghan army knew full well they were going to have to stand on their own two feet finally, had nearly 20 years to get sorted out.

Fell apart in a few short days, so yea calling them a total joke is correct.

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24 minutes ago, geared said:

They had already made a deal they would leave the country by September, it wasn't as though it was completely unknown that they were off.

Are you referring to the deal between the Trump government and the Taliban? It is worth noting that the Afghan government were not a party to this deal.

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46 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

It may be the case that if the Afghan military had acted as an cohesive fighting force they could have held the Taliban and it does appear to be the case that they were not a cohesive fighting force.


But the US (administration and to some extent media) is trying to shift the blame for cutting and running. It would be a good idea if we in the West acknowledged our shortcomings or we will be apt to repeat our mistakes. After we broke Iraq, we were still keen to join in with the breaking of Libya. We failed to learn the lesson that just because a country is run by a monster does not mean we cannot make the situation worse.

Yeah I guess it was the Suit’s not the boots that are to blame but anyone who have served their country in the military will tell you it was a waste of time training a rag tag army and that they would never on a whole have the stomach to engage in a firefight.....


Even President Ashraf Ghani p@##ed off to god knows where that’s the wrong message to send out to your army....


look at the end of the day America have these endless wars to make money and didn’t they just !!!!!....


It’s just sad for the military to be used and abused in this manner and for the many civilians to die all for money !!!....,



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1 hour ago, Box11 said:

I’m not blaming them matey but they should have put up more of a fight I believe there is a part of Afghanistan that they are in a fight instead of walking away.....

That'll be the Panjshir Resistance in the northern part of the country. 

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2 hours ago, L00b said:

The US generals, including the Chairman of the JCS himself, had been all over Trump, then Biden, requesting a better-planned and phased withdrawal, to avoid exactly what they were foreseeing, which has now happened.


The politicians, well…


The British ones are in the Commons right now, wherein the ex-Ministers and ex-Secretaries with skin in the Afghanistan game yesteryear, who have since resumed Parliamentary representative duties, are all busy asking hard questions of Johnson.


The US ones, at least the Republicans, reportedly cleaned their political party website yesterday, of any and all references and pages about Trump’s 2020 peace deal, and are all busy finger-pointing at and asking hard questions of Biden.


Make of this what you will. But one thing is clear: there has not been a failure of intelligence (-services), there has been a failure of policy-making based on intelligence.

There are ample reports of NATO countries’ embassy personnel clearing out of Kabul early last weekend, without telling zip to their Afghani employees of however-many-years, who only found out when they turned up for work and saw no-one there.

Dan Jarvis our south Yorks mayor and Barnsley MP has let the Government know just what a set off tos pots they are in the house this morning .

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1 hour ago, Box11 said:

I’m not blaming them matey but they should have put up more of a fight I believe there is a part of Afghanistan that they are in a fight instead of walking away.....



Im sure our forces have known about shortcomings in the Afghan forces for 20 years, the chances of corruption and bribary and dropping weapons at the drop of a hat have always been there

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48 minutes ago, horribleblob said:

That'll be the Panjshir Resistance in the northern part of the country. 

Thanks for that I hope they stand firm and brass it out and get air support and let them deal with ground attack !!!...

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1 minute ago, Box11 said:

Thanks for that I hope they stand firm and brass it out and get air support and let them deal with ground attack !!!...

how they going to get air support now us and the americans have pulled out and the Afghan forces dont have an airforce so i believe?

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