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Who Is Arming The Taliban .

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1 hour ago, Box11 said:

Have Taliban fighters got the skill set to operate these Mi-17 in combat.....


I very much doubt that.....


The US bought them for the Afghan government forces. Are you saying that none of the intended pilots will defect to the Taliban or alternatively that nobody would accept money to train Taliban pilots?

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1 hour ago, Box11 said:

Have Taliban fighters got the skill set to operate these Mi-17 in combat.....


I very much doubt that.....


give a mercenary enough cash, and he'll gladly fly / train / shoot anything you pay him to.

Edited by The Joker
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3 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

The US bought them for the Afghan government forces. Are you saying that none of the intended pilots will defect to the Taliban or alternatively that nobody would accept money to train Taliban pilots?

We will see won’t we !!!!...


But at this moment in time I’m more worried about ISIS K !!!....



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2 hours ago, The Joker said:

give a mercenary enough cash, and he'll gladly fly / train / shoot anything you pay him to.

They still won’t have the professional skill set in combat !!!!....


If this situation plays out to be a massive #*#* storm now that ISIS K are coming out of their bolt holes I’m sure military action will be needed yet again in Afghanistan....



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Now they have started !!!!....


People are dead outside the Kabul airport reports saying US personal among injured...


Absolutely ludicrous what is taking place outside Kabul airport !!!!.......

Edited by Box11
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They will have to in my eyes send in more military personal to deal with this situation ASAP...


ISIS K will not just stop at this mindless attack I fear multiple kidnappings will take place too....


The whole situation is a farce on the US and it’s coalition !!!!!....

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I can’t for the life of me understand why the Taliban were allowed to gain control of Afghanistan !!!!....


Its obvious that they harbour dangerous terrorists and have no control over what they want to do !!!!.....


Well now ISIS-K have committed their first act and I feel this will be one of many including kidnappings across the board !!!..


I also believe this situation will yet again reach our shores and further terrorist attacks will take place on our soil !!!!....


The whole situation is absolutely ludicrous and is a terrible outcome not just for the decent Afghans but for us too !!!!.....





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Box11, mercenary pilots flew in support of the SAS and government forces in Oman back in the 70’s. They were mostly ex RAF and ex US military. Given the number of private military contractors around now I would guess merc pilots are still a thing. I think the intensive maintenance needed by aircraft might be a problem for the Taliban though.

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4 minutes ago, Jim117 said:

Box11, mercenary pilots flew in support of the SAS and government forces in Oman back in the 70’s. They were mostly ex RAF and ex US military. Given the number of private military contractors around now I would guess merc pilots are still a thing. I think the intensive maintenance needed by aircraft might be a problem for the Taliban though.

Come on “Jim117”.....


Ex RAF,Ex US Military mercenaries are hardly going to be lending their skills to the Taliban or any other fractions in Afghanistan !!!!....


Unless they are fighting against ISIS-K which could play out in the very near future......



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19 hours ago, The Joker said:

give a mercenary enough cash, and he'll gladly fly / train / shoot anything you pay him to.

A work colleague of the early 1960’s joined the mercenary force of the former Colonel Mad Mike Hoare in South Africa. I believe that he eventually settled there, as did Mike Hoare who died last year age 100.

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