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Who Is Arming The Taliban .

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19 minutes ago, The Joker said:

No, you're doing a pretty good job of that yourself.


How many bad guys did you neutralise while you were serving over there ?


Are you daft !!...


I said if I was !!!...

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47 minutes ago, Box11 said:

Look I know all that I think everyone does but this needs addressing because believe me terrorist attacks will happen here on our soil !!!!...


If you "know all that" then why are you saying "... if I was in charge I would use everything at my disposal to wipe them out and their entire bloodline period !!!!.... " ?


Rather than get aggressive and make things worse we could follow Sun Tzu's observation and 'sit by the river' at least until we came up with a constructive plan.

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1 minute ago, Box11 said:

Are you daft !!...


I said if I was !!!...

Why are you so desperate to send other people's sons and daughters to die in a conflict that you never fought in yourself?




I just answered my own question.  Silly me!

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1 minute ago, Carbuncle said:

If you "know all that" then why are you saying "... if I was in charge I would use everything at my disposal to wipe them out and their entire bloodline period !!!!.... " ?


Rather than get aggressive and make things worse we could follow Sun Tzu's observation and 'sit by the river' at least until we came up with a constructive plan.

Yeah your point of view I take in but come on these c**** are evil to the core they are a cancer and spread like cancer and I fear it will be at our door before we know it....

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19 minutes ago, The Joker said:

Why are you so desperate to send other people's sons and daughters to die in a conflict that you never fought in yourself?




I just answered my own question.  Silly me!

How do you know that I have never served my country I never said I hadn’t or have I just said “if” I was in “charge”....


I see I’m not special The Joker you seem to have a pop at everything and everybody I’m surprised you can keep up with your constant bitching go and have a lie down in a dark room....


My last post with you I hate bitching now where’s that ignore button oh I know in my settings.....

Edited by Box11
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