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Who Is Arming The Taliban .

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The situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated by the hour as the religious fanatics advance  throughout the Country , The question is who is backing these nut cases , is it Pakistan a country that allows them to criss cross the border with impunity , is it Iran who who it seems will go to any length to destabilise the West as will happen if the Taliban finally win control in Afghanistan . Or is there a more sinister partner hiding behind the scenes who will gain satisfaction at seeing us and our allies truly getting our noses rubbed in the dirt due to abandoning  Afghanistan after so many years of stabilising  that Country .

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10 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated by the hour as the religious fanatics advance  throughout the Country , The question is who is backing these nut cases , is it Pakistan a country that allows them to criss cross the border with impunity , is it Iran who who it seems will go to any length to destabilise the West as will happen if the Taliban finally win control in Afghanistan . Or is there a more sinister partner hiding behind the scenes who will gain satisfaction at seeing us and our allies truly getting our noses rubbed in the dirt due to abandoning  Afghanistan after so many years of stabilising  that Country .

I would suspect it's us (including the US). Oh sure they will have smuggled stuff in through Pakistan but every time they overcome a government held position they will have a new cornucopia of arms to upgrade to.

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26 minutes ago, Findlay said:

Once all the troops, diplomats and friends of NATO are out it would be a time to look at targeted nuclear strikes

Who are the targets , who will be doing the striking as any nuclear action will lead to World war and the end game for humanity .


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28 minutes ago, Findlay said:

Once all the troops, diplomats and friends of NATO are out it would be a time to look at targeted nuclear strikes

I don't think giving the Taliban access to a set of nukes is even a remotely good idea.

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1 hour ago, Findlay said:

Once all the troops, diplomats and friends of NATO are out it would be a time to look at targeted nuclear strikes

What about all the people that live in Afghanistan, you know, the ones with brown faces who have nothing to do with the Taliban, who you are happy to kill as collateral damage with your targeted nuclear strikes?



Edited by Bargepole23
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Well it would appear, looking at the talibans nice new shiny Humvees, that even after 20 years of training and being equipped the Afghan army are basically a bunch of rifle droppers. Even the Russians lacked the degree of ruthlessness it would take to defeat that collection of religious whack jobs. The west should never have got involved. I feel sorry for the families of the lads that died there and also the women and girls that have had a taste of freedom which will now sadly be snatched away from them.

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