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Who Is Arming The Taliban .

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18 hours ago, Jim117 said:

Box11, I wasn’t suggesting that ex UK or US pilots would fight for the Taliban, just pointing out that there is a historical precedent for the existence of merc pilots. As The Joker has stated there are other nationalities who may not have the same scruples. I don’t believe the US built aircraft will be of much use beyond war trophies because of their difficult to maintain technology. However the Taliban now have a decent amount of lower tech Russian helis, paid for by the yanks ironically. Maybe if they let Russian “advisers “ in country they might be able to use them and source spare parts.

It would be funny (actually, I don't think that's the right word) if the Russkies did help the Afghans, since those nations were at war until Rambo came along and saved the day for the Mujahideen.


However, I expect that China will cosy up to the Taliban, and in exchange for financial (and military?) support, the Chinese will continue their persecution of the Uyghur community in Afghanistan.


Afghanistan's Uyghurs fear the Taliban, and now China too




7 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Goodness me!  I thought you were joking 😮


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