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Who Is Arming The Taliban .

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20 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Perhaps you have not heard about that dastardly attack on the twin towers in America where people travelling on jet planes were held hostage and then crashed into offices  killing thousands , the  heroes were led (god be with them ) by a  Saudi millionaire who when the deed was done found refuge in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban , Iran another nation lead by Islamic nut cases is responsible for most of the un rest in the Middle East ,,   all in the name of their god of course,    where would they be without him .

Yes but……why would Iran arm the Taliban ? 

I would have thought Israël, America and the Saudis are responsible for most of the unrest in the Middle East 

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Perhaps you have not heard about that dastardly attack on the twin towers in America where people travelling on jet planes were held hostage and then crashed into offices  killing thousands , the  heroes were led (god be with them ) by a  Saudi millionaire who when the deed was done found refuge in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban , Iran another nation lead by Islamic nut cases is responsible for most of the un rest in the Middle East ,,   all in the name of their god of course,    where would they be without him .

riiiiiiiiiight, so it's the pesky Iranians that are behind most of the instabillity in the Middle East.


Got it.


Nothing whatsoever to do with the America and British armies invading Iraq, overthrowing Saddam, then standing back and letting the various tribes kill each other for well over a decade, leading to the rise of ISIS, and terror attacks on British soil?


Nope, definitely not.


I guess the America and British governments are utterly blameless in this entire cockup they caused?

Edited by The Joker
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I’m one of those who believe we destabilised the Middle East when Bush and Blair invaded Iraq.  They went in without thinking of the consequences and had no idea who was going to govern the county when British and American troops left.

I was one of those idiots who thought Saddam had Weapons of Mass destruction and a nuclear strike towards America was imminent.  That is until the weapon’s  inspections were allowed to enter Iraq only to find none.  
I don’t think the Middles East was the same again after that.  Know wonder other Arab states wanted nuclear weapons after an illegal war.


Edited by hauxwell
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and in doing so lost most all public support for any further intervention in the middle east, they were lying to the public and everyone knew it.


If the American's want to go back into Afghanistan and rebuild the corrupt mess they had built that's their deal, I think this country has put in enough.

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Major cities now falling without a fight, Government forces have been the first ones to drop arms and run.

The Government forces started with a massive advantage in both manpower and arms, but have completely collapsed.


The advance on Kabul has begun, at this rate it will all be over in hours.

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Let's get real:


1. Despite the US advantage in wealth and weaponry, they (and we) were defeated;

2. Despite almost twenty years on site working and with vast resources, the US (and we) were never able to understand the problem, stabilise the situation or come up with any kind of lasting solution;

3. Indeed so poor was the US understanding of matters on the ground that they did not realise that their Afghan military allies, who they (and we) had been training for almost twenty years would collapse within days.


Afghanistan is a hard problem. The US establishment has a very short attention span, a notion of other cultures built on caricature and a fundamentalist belief in its own wisdom, Afghanistan was always going to be particularly difficult for them.


9/11 was a massive triumph for fundamentalist Islam not because of the atrocities on 11th September, 2001 but because the US's various responses driven as it was by unthinking anger recruited so many to the Fundamentalists' cause.

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