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Who went to St Wilfreds RC School


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I remember Mr O'Hara clearing his desk when he retired, I guess this was about 1963. I think his replacement was Mr Simmerson. I vaguely remember Mrs Pollard teaching us maths. Yes, she had quite a temper. I don't remember the richer kids getting better treatment, as I recall it was the church going families that were garnished with favour.



Started in 1946 & stayed until 15. I remember Miss Cannon, Paddy McGloin Frank O Hara and Mrs Pollard. got the cane a few times too. On reflection deserved punishment. Strict teachers, particularly with the non conformists. No grumbles from me.

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Started in 1946 & stayed until 15. I remember Miss Cannon, Paddy McGloin Frank O Hara and Mrs Pollard. got the cane a few times too. On reflection deserved punishment. Strict teachers, particularly with the non conformists. No grumbles from me.


How did you stay until you were 15? It was just a primary school, we all left when we were 11 :suspect:


I wish I could meet up with O'Hara and McGloin today, beasts both of them .... sadly, they're probably both long dead :twisted: Two of the cruellest people I've ever had the misfortune to meet. O'Hara was a total sadistic bully, out of control.

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I started school at St Wilfrids in 1946. The school had been re-located to Meersbrook Vestry Hall. It was a primary and secondary school. In 1954 the seniors relocated to a small (annexe) school on Gleadless Road. The school building is still there on the left going up. I re-call 10 strokes, with Len Fxxxxx for going to watch Don Bradman and Len Hutton at the Lane. (we knew we would be punished & worth every stroke) After the punishment Paddy McGloin said sit down and tell me about the two greatest batsmen in the world. I re-call meeting up with Paddy McGloin in the Byron Pub, when I was 17 years old. He bought me a pint and I told him that my initial thoughts were as yours. He laughed and we had a lenghthy conversation. As for Frank O Hara his bark was worse than his bite. When you got the cane it was because you broke the rules. C'mon "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" I think St Wilfrids really became primary school only, when it was re-located to Millhouses Lane and children from the real St Wilfrids parish were barred to give places to the children who would never have gone to the Vestry Hall. Back to FOH. He was keen on sport and I was in both cricket and football teams. Perhaps we fared better at that time. OH I've lost touch with all my ex schoolmates. Lived abroad for 11 years and whilst still in sheffield, a different area S12.



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I went to St Wilfrids from 1948 to 1954 - the school was then housed in Meersbrook Vestry Hall - the 'playground' was Meersbrook Park.





Hi Hector,


Must have been there same time as me.



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As for Frank O Hara his bark was worse than his bite. When you got the cane it was because you broke the rules. C'mon "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" I think St Wilfrids really became primary school only, when it was re-located to Millhouses Lane and children from the real St Wilfrids parish were barred to give places to the children who would never have gone to the Vestry Hall. Back to FOH. He was keen on sport and I was in both cricket and football teams. Perhaps we fared better at that time. OH I've lost touch with all my ex schoolmates. Lived abroad for 11 years and whilst still in sheffield, a different area S12.




Mr O'Hara was not a nice bloke when I knew him, he was off his head.

Regarding Sport, we played all the time, football, cricket.

I was in the team for a while, goalie or left half.

It is intersting to note that those of us from the 'real parish' were worse treated than the oft comers, presumably as they could put 2/6 on the plate, whereas we could only afford 3d

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hiya ptrA, I never knew that StW had ever been other than a primary school :) I was born in 1947 and my first schooldays were spent at the Vestry Hall. I liked it there with Miss Kearns, Miss O'Riordan and Miss Doherty. But then Millhouses Lane was built and being in the Juniors was horrendous although in a beautiful setting. The Infants seemed ok but IIRC most of the teachers who took us Juniors were horrible.


Remember even when we were in the 'top class' we were only 10 years old. I really don't think that caning little children until their hands were bruised and bleeding was on. O'Hara was a great big fat brute of a bully and should never have been in charge of children anyway. artisan is right, he was off his head. Everyone was terrified of him, he just used to walk up and down the aisles between the desks smacking us around the head at the full force of his arm. Some of the boys got the cane nearly everyday, not for a 'crime' as you say but maybe for not knowing an answer or grinning! It was a hellhole.


O'Hara must have got worse as he got older maybe, but he certainly was not a nice person to have in charge of you when I was there.

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Hi Hector,


Must have been there same time as me.




I've got a couple of school photos - I wonder if you are on either of them. Were you ever in a Nativity with a shed-load of shepherds and dozens of 'angels'? Roughly 1949/50.

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Yes, I would be aroud 8 at the time (67 now). Do you remember Miss O.Reorden. If so we must know each other :cool:



I'm inching as slowly as possible towards 65 - I certainly do remember Miss O'R.


In one of the photos that I have there are two teachers - I can't recall either of their names. The photo was taken just inside Meersbrook Park. We look quite a motley crew....


Some of the faces that I do recognise are: Verena Beever; Margaret Archer; twins Ann & Marie Walker; Maureen O'Hara; Maureen and Michael O'Malley; Bruno Thackeray and a lad who has gone down in my personal history as Dick the Sick.


One day dinner was served in the classroom instead of the hall (can't remember why) - I was sitting in front of Dick - he couldn't face the pudding (frogspawn) - but he was forced to eat it. The inevitable happened - he was sick in my hair and down my back. I had longish plaits at the time - nuff said.


Fond memories:hihi:

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Yes, I would be aroud 8 at the time (67 now). Do you remember Miss O.Reorden. If so we must know each other :cool:



Miss O Reordon was still there when I was there at Millhouses in the early 50's.

She dressed as if she was from the Victorian era I remember, long skirts etc, and she threw chalk and board rubbers at you. (we were 5 and 6 year olds in infants one)

The teacher we had in reception died at a very young age I remember (Miss Rochford she was called), she was about the only decent teacher in the school.

It is difficult to believe that such a collection of weirdoes was ever put in place to educate young children.

But then, as the saying goes 'Those who can, do. Those who cant, teach'

That saying is even truer today than when it was first coined.

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