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Who went to St Wilfreds RC School


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Just found this site - brings back memories. I was at St Wilfs from 1954 to 1958, starting in the Vestry Hall and moving to Millhouses Lane.


I recall several of the teachers: Miss Stoppard, Miss Kearns, Mrs Pollard and, of course, Mr O'Hara and headmaster Mr. McGloin. I spent 2 years in O'Hara's class as we used to have combined J3/J4 group. I was lucky enough to escape most of his aggression as I was considered "clever" but I do recall frequent "punishments". Miss O'Reardon was in charge of one of the infants classes where she made one of my brother's life a misery as he was left handed and therefore a "product of the devil".


I am one of 6 brothers and sisters (I am eldest) all of whom went to StW - so we had an unbroken period of 22 years presence.


Kids I recall include: Michael and Emy O'Malley, Stephen Simpson, Alan Cade, John Reaney, Terry Lundy, Susan Coulson, Theresa Horan, Margeret Pybus, Kathleen O'Hoolahan, Shiela Redican. If any of you are on this site it would be nice to hear from you.

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I remember quite a few of those names. At one time I was in the same class. What an education (I think not), two class years in the same class. One year you were in the class above with the older kid's and the next in the class below, with the younger kids. I wonder, did the older kinds bring the youngr up to their level of the younger bring the older dow to theirs. Or was it just static.

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  • 1 year later...

Michael O'Hara. I remember you well. In fact I have a school photo and you are on it. I think your nephew is our Parish Priest (Fr Paul). If you forward your e.mail address to mine I can send it to you. Look at previous input and you will see my address.



Edited by ptrA
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I attended the school from 48 to 56 Maureen O'Hara is my younger sister and lives in Sheffield.


I attended St Wilfrids from 1948 to 1954. I daren't even think how many years have passed since we made our First Communion but - I've recently found a photo showing six girls in the procession from the Church of the Mother of God to the room above the Co-op (opposite Lowfields School).


I believe the names are: Maureen O'Hara, Maureen O'Malley, Elizabeth Bauer and Joan Tomlinson. I can't remember the names of the other two girls.

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  • 1 year later...

I was at St. Wilfrids until 1968. I remember Gillian, Jennifer, Carole, Mena, Ruth, Brenda, David, Keith, Anthony, Peter, John and many more. Happy times...my teachers were Mr Simmerson, Miss Pollard, Miss West, Miss Kearns(?), Miss O´Neill and Miss Geraghty was the headmistress. Anyone else there at that time??

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  • 4 weeks later...
I attended St Wilfrids from 1948 to 1954. I daren't even think how many years have passed since we made our First Communion but - I've recently found a photo showing six girls in the procession from the Church of the Mother of God to the room above the Co-op (opposite Lowfields School).


I believe the names are: Maureen O'Hara, Maureen O'Malley, Elizabeth Bauer and Joan Tomlinson. I can't remember the names of the other two girls



I remember well the march to Mother of God Church, I was one of the alter boys. Not too long after I and another soon learned our places were to be taken by boys from posher areas. The same boys who wouldn;t be seen at St Wilfrids school or church. Ironically I later learned that my children were not welcome at the new school for the same reason. Them as av gets, them as avn't, can get stuffed and nothing's changed. When asked about the weekly new school collection, the Parish priest told the congregation the money for the school was not for their children, but for their childrens children. The ruffs helped pay for it but couldn't have it. No wonder we are on the decrease!!!!!

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