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Who went to St Wilfreds RC School


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I was there between 1959 and 1965: Mrs Rochford taught us first then I think Miss Wigfall other teachers I remember include Mrs Pollard, Miss Kearns and Mr O'Hara. Mrs Pollard ran the school band (Polly's tin pot band). Mrs Pollard and Miss Kearns were kind but Mr O'Hara was a monster, he would take a swing at your head and knock you sideways. He swung at one boy's head and his ear seemed to explode and there was blood everywhere. He was replaced by Mr Simmerson when I was in the last year. The worst was Miss Gherity, I think she suffered from some sort of religious mania, she use to tell us horror stories - she believed in the literal presence of the devil. They were not happy days for me I spent most of my life at school in fear of breaking some rule I had not heard of and getting the cane or the leg slap from Miss Gherity or knocked out by Mr O'Hara. It put me off Catholicism for life.

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  • 1 year later...

I went to St Wilfreds school from 1942 to 1947. Ma Cannon was the Head. She had come back from India and retirement to teach us. Class size was large ad spanned from 10 to 13 year olds.


Miss Molony was my first teacher, then Miss O'Reirdon and last Mr McGloin. I can't remember any brutality, maybe that's ecause I was subsequently taught by the Jesuits and the the Christian Brothers. Now that was brutality!

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I remember tha day the police dogs came to visit and mr Griffiths had to run up the field and got savaged!


Mrs Harrigan smoking during netball practice, haha!


prize night at the city hall, that God aweful walk to paddley, Dana, and jumbulances to lourdes :)


---------- Post added 28-01-2013 at 13:35 ----------


Do any of you who went to St Wilfrids at Millhouses Lane emeber a photograph in the entrance of the Catholic schools chior at the city hall for Cardinal ?. I rang the school sometime back and asked about the photo but the scretary knew nothing about it.

I saw it there once when I went to do some work there back in the 60s or 70s.


Remeber mrs grinit? (excuse spelling), my mum used to call here "grinit and bear it"................ah memories!!

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I went to St Wilfreds school from 1942 to 1947. Ma Cannon was the Head. She had come back from India and retirement to teach us. Class size was large ad spanned from 10 to 13 year olds.


Miss Molony was my first teacher, then Miss O'Reirdon and last Mr McGloin. I can't remember any brutality, maybe that's ecause I was subsequently taught by the Jesuits and the the Christian Brothers. Now that was brutality!


I started in 1945, i remember Paddy McGloin succeeding Miss Cannon. Perhaps you remember my cousins, Reddicans (RIP). Your'e correct, no brutality, just wimps.

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Hi im Anthony i was at st wilfreds and the name Gherity has never left me, Im now 58 and its true what Ozfram and some others have said about her, my life is just the same a bag of nerves i was frightend all the time when i went there, It has affected my health, your's Tony

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  • 4 months later...

When inputting on this site, I never expected to meet my old school-mate, LenF. Whilst living in Northumberland, he still visits Sheffield. We have met up and enjoyed a few cups of coffee with his lovely wife Brenda. We laugh at the antics we got up to and got caned for. Both of us admit we got what we deserved. So Frank O'Hara, you are forgiven.

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  • 2 months later...
Hi all. happened to stumble upon this thread accidentally but glad I did... Another chance to look back over my school years..( See denby street thread)



I have some memories of st Wilfrids. the late Mr simmerson I knew well and Miss Simmerson. Mr Griffiths. Anyone remember mrs Jones??? mrs Harrigan.. and mrs capps.(died recently. xxxxx


I was there late 80s


Anyone remember the air raid shelter and black dog???? get back to me if you do . thanks


Miss Jones as was - you know she became Mrs Griffiths?

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  • 2 months later...
I was at St. Wilfrid's from 1959 to 1965. I escaped Mr O'Hara's lessons, thankfully. Nobody at that school could ever forget Miss Gharety the Headteacher. She controlled discipline with an iron fist. Woe betide any pupil she didn't see at Mother of God Mass on Sunday. Monday mornings were the Millhouses answer to the Spanish Inquisition! Canings at school assembly were commonplace. She was off her head with religious fervour. She lived with her sister on Steade Road, and remained a spinster all her life - wow, I wonder why?

Miss Gharety

was an Animal I have NEVER met anyone so evil WHY she ever wanted to teach children I will never Know

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  • 1 year later...

Definitely not. In that era all children were punished for being naughty. The times I got the cane was after being told I couldn't and I did. If you told your Dad, he'd probably give you a wack too and the coppers scared the living daylights out of you when caught apple scromping. I don't think any adventurous lad missed a couple of strokes. My best friend went to Heeley Bank and we were even stephens on putting our hands out. We kept an onion in our desks, to rub into our hands beforehand, to ease the pain. It didn't. The teacher referred to previously treated boys & girls alike and wimps didn't like that. The do-gooders have stopped all punishment let alone corporal punishment and teachers in most schools today have no means of controlling unruly kids. I don't recall children verbally abusing or even murdering teachers then and it's happening now. ABUSED WE WERE NOT


---------- Post added 07-08-2015 at 13:13 ----------


I got on the 120 bus yesterday and a lady moved up to make room. We idle chatted about the tram track repairs making us use the bus. She happened to turn and smile, something clicked and I had to ask, is it "Pat". Yes indeed it was. I introduced myself. I was meeting a friend in town and she was meeting her sisters. We tried to bring back memories up to leaving St Wilfrid's school in 1955. How do you pack 60 years in 10 minutes I have a photo of our class in the 50's. If she or her family or friends see this and message me, I can e.mail it to them, for her. A fantastic journey. ;)

Edited by ptrA
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