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Who Needs A Gun?

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9 minutes ago, Findlay said:

You don't need a gun when you've got a car!

36 million licenced drivers in England, killing or seriously injuring someone every 22 minutes [brake.org.uk]



What has car driving / ownership in England got to do with deliberate atrocities in America caused by gunmen :huh:.


Lost me there Findlay.

Shouldn't be long now  before the post gets gets taken over by Covid deniers, Monkey Pox scare mongers and how to shop for School uniforms in Rotherham 🤣

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here we go again ban the gun lobby !! ffs its not the gun at fault its the nutter that pulls the trigger perhaps if the profiling of these nutters was allowed instead of infringing hooman rights we might stand a chance.

its easier to get an illegal weapon that a legal one here and in the states!


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Guest sibon
14 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

here we go again ban the gun lobby !! ffs its not the gun at fault its the nutter that pulls the trigger perhaps if the profiling of these nutters was allowed instead of infringing hooman rights we might stand a chance.

its easier to get an illegal weapon that a legal one here and in the states!


Depends what you mean by "profiling". 


What did you have in mind?

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16 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

here we go again ban the gun lobby !! ffs its not the gun at fault its the nutter that pulls the trigger perhaps if the profiling of these nutters was allowed instead of infringing hooman rights we might stand a chance.

its easier to get an illegal weapon that a legal one here and in the states!


That’s true . After Dunblane the crackdown on sensible gun owners here was ridiculous . It is far easier now to obtain / rent an illegal gun 

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5 minutes ago, sibon said:

Depends what you mean by "profiling". 


What did you have in mind?

any sort of profiling be it internet search history, membership of what ever?? medical mental history from early school years , anything that helps prevent this type and other types of madness, far more productive than banning a tool!!


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2 hours ago, Findlay said:

You don't need a gun when you've got a car!

36 million licenced drivers in England, killing or seriously injuring someone every 22 minutes [brake.org.uk]



So when was the last time an idiot used a car to run amok in a school killing 21 people?  Take your time we can wait.....

1 hour ago, ab6262 said:

here we go again ban the gun lobby !! ffs its not the gun at fault its the nutter that pulls the trigger perhaps if the profiling of these nutters was allowed instead of infringing hooman rights we might stand a chance.

its easier to get an illegal weapon that a legal one here and in the states!


Might help if they didnt allow the full and free use of assault weapons.  But its OK, use any pathetic excuse you can to justify the killing, no, MURDER of 19 kids.  It DOES NOT WASH!!!

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7 hours ago, Findlay said:

You don't need a gun when you've got a car!

36 million licenced drivers in England, killing or seriously injuring someone every 22 minutes [brake.org.uk]



What did absolutely moronic take on things.


Cars are designed for transportation purposes they are not inherently designed for the sole purpose of killing a living thing.  A car would also not be able to get inside a building, into classrooms and fatally run over people from a distance.


What exactly is a gun designed for?   It is a weapon. Simple as that.  Are you going to  seriously suggest that the 'killing' aspects of a gun is somehow it's secondary purpose. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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5 hours ago, ab6262 said:

here we go again ban the gun lobby !! ffs its not the gun at fault its the nutter that pulls the trigger perhaps if the profiling of these nutters was allowed instead of infringing hooman rights we might stand a chance.

its easier to get an illegal weapon that a legal one here and in the states!


That is true, but let's not deny that the very fact  you have firearms alongside tins of beans in Walmart does not exactly help the issue.


Spin it all you want, guns are a lethal weapon and should be extremely controlled by their uses extremely limited to those individuals who have a genuine need for weaponry.  They should not be available in any public store which clearly gets a message out there that they are not for general public use. The vast majority of the rest of the world saw the light decades ago -  a fact which is plainly obvious by the statistics.


There has to be a moment at some point when the tide will turn. How many more times are we going to see the same headlines splashed across the news, another mass shooting......   another school shooting.....   another Lone Wolf with access to some assault rifle.......   for the news organisations it's almost like stock footage. They have the stories ready to go just waiting on the shelf. Just fill in a few blanks and it's good to go to air.   Anywhere else it will be a national outrage, over there it seems to be just another Tuesday.


Nobody's saying banning would completely eradicate illegal gun killings, but I don't think anyone can deny that there is an obvious link that the less guns freely sloshing around the general public and in everyone's purses or rucksacks or strapped under a bed.... the less numbers of potentially stolen and illegal used weapons would be sitting there readily available to some opportunist to grab one commit a crime.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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