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Who Needs A Gun?

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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

no he was not , any one who needs two ASSAULT guns is not right in the head , why would any one living in a civilised society need a gun of any description 

As said by US VP, Kamala Harris today, assault rifles are designed for one purpose & one purpose only, to kill as many people in a short amount of time as possible.  


Such weapons should only be available to military personnel. 

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Ownership of guns has gone up in USA since this terrible tragedy.

Trouble is when these sort of events occur, people buy guns to defend themselves with against the likes of this man and other villains. And of course, no matter what the law says, the criminals won't give up their guns, so neither will the rest of the population. Stalemate.


However I agree that automatic weapons are totally unacceptable in any circumstance, but how do you persuade people who see them as a right?


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When I arrived in Canada, in 1960, there was little crime. The Army stores and the hardware stores sold rifles in their front window (no ID, license or background check required) They sold Winchester repeaters and handguns. I saw my army cadet Lee Enfield 303, with the highly polished walnut stock, so I bought it for 25 quid, and took it up into farm country for target practice. I couldn't shoot an animal but, Canada does have bear and deer hunting season in the fall when the farmers stock their freezers for the winter, and the Inuit (Eskimos) and native Indians have traditional hunting rights. They can sell their polar bear licenses to folks from down south who kill them from skidoos and even helicopters, but "we must preserve the inuit traditional rights", say the do gooders.


Folks today can't believe this but one of my first jobs at the TD Bank was to take our excess cash down to another busier branch on paydays. There was always a gun in the drawer (38 revolver) and I'd pick it up and put it in my pocket while me and another employee walked the few blocks with the locked bag of cash. No license, no training, no pearl clutchers, and as I said, hardly any crime. No need to lock your back door in Toronto and Sheffield in those days.


Now Canada has restrictive gun laws, but crime has reached endemic proportion, with blacks killing blacks, as they routinely do in the States. But Canada has no history of systemic racism, so what's going on today has many more causes than the availability of guns and knives. Grieving mothers and wives are routinely shown on the news. "He was a good boy", they always say. but they are part of the gangs that control the drug market. or happen to be with them when the shooting starts.


In DR the cops openly carry their assault rifles and handguns, and keep the peace. Trouble makers are first thrown in jail and they have to make their case later. I'm far safer here at home and downtown on a Saturday night than in Toronto. There's no need to get involved with "untrained" "trigger happy cops" if you are a law abiding citizen.


In the UK, even in rural Lincolnshire we couldn't leave our cars overnight on the street. They'd be vandalized by morning.


So what's good for Ecclesall Road, it not necessarily good for Toronto, LA, Alaska or Santo Domingo!


Gun crime has only one common denominator, Criminals. Likewise stabbings.


Easy to fix if one is more concerned about victims than criminals.


Today crime pays!


And there's a revolving door for career criminals.






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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

When I arrived in Canada, in 1960, there was little crime. The Army stores and the hardware stores sold rifles in their front window (no ID, license or background check required) They sold Winchester repeaters and handguns. I saw my army cadet Lee Enfield 303, with the highly polished walnut stock, so I bought it for 25 quid, and took it up into farm country for target practice. I couldn't shoot an animal but, Canada does have bear and deer hunting season in the fall when the farmers stock their freezers for the winter, and the Inuit (Eskimos) and native Indians have traditional hunting rights. They can sell their polar bear licenses to folks from down south who kill them from skidoos and even helicopters, but "we must preserve the inuit traditional rights", say the do gooders.


Folks today can't believe this but one of my first jobs at the TD Bank was to take our excess cash down to another busier branch on paydays. There was always a gun in the drawer (38 revolver) and I'd pick it up and put it in my pocket while me and another employee walked the few blocks with the locked bag of cash. No license, no training, no pearl clutchers, and as I said, hardly any crime. No need to lock your back door in Toronto and Sheffield in those days.


Now Canada has restrictive gun laws, but crime has reached endemic proportion, with blacks killing blacks, as they routinely do in the States. But Canada has no history of systemic racism, so what's going on today has many more causes than the availability of guns and knives. Grieving mothers and wives are routinely shown on the news. "He was a good boy", they always say. but they are part of the gangs that control the drug market. or happen to be with them when the shooting starts.


In DR the cops openly carry their assault rifles and handguns, and keep the peace. Trouble makers are first thrown in jail and they have to make their case later. I'm far safer here at home and downtown on a Saturday night than in Toronto. There's no need to get involved with "untrained" "trigger happy cops" if you are a law abiding citizen.


In the UK, even in rural Lincolnshire we couldn't leave our cars overnight on the street. They'd be vandalized by morning.


So what's good for Ecclesall Road, it not necessarily good for Toronto, LA, Alaska or Santo Domingo!


Gun crime has only one common denominator, Criminals. Likewise stabbings.


Easy to fix if one is more concerned about victims than criminals.


Today crime pays!


And there's a revolving door for career criminals.






Your comment Black on Black killing is indeed a sad indication of things on the Streets of Canadian cities, Although I have been led to believe that the biggest problem is from the French areas .

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I'm not sure if you are serious or where you get that information.


It's mostly a function of gangs in the poorer parts of town. There have their territories, and their criminal enterprise areas, which they defend from outside interlopers.


But Toronto is very woke and politically correct, so targeting the gangs that are mostly black is frowned upon as profiling and racism in the extreme, and so the mayhem continues. Increasing police presence in these dangerous areas, is a no no. So the unfortunate who live there, don't get the policing they need.


Black lives matter movements are mainly directed not on saving black lives, but on blaming cops, or the "establishment", the usual "white supremacist" stuff. It's a cottage industry that also pays well.. Big business supports these movements financially in a virtue signaling PR campaign and all their posters and TV ads feature minority and the ethnically diverse. They just pay cheap lip service, in order to get a free pass from the protest pimps.. (see the financial scandals of BLM)


But Toronto has a very diverse culture, and I would say whites are now in the minority..


I've come to believe it's white liberal closet racism that demands special treatment for minorities, who they have determined as not equal in society, and wish to keep them dependent on them, for their god given rights that everyone else has.


(Disclosure: - I live with my black partner in a "black" country,  There is no racism here, except for a slight cultural bias against illegal Haitian immigrants, who, in the main, look like them. Although legal Haitians thrive here. My 3 bar/restaurants are owned and operated by Haitians. Everybody gets along and the armed cops make sure that the streets are safe)


Defund and disarm all you want, but If the cops don't own the streets, criminals will. Cops are human, not Gods. They are flawed human being like everybody else with their share of corruption, and adrenalin spiked overreactions. It's a very dangerous job!


You folks up there are not special, you need your cops to prevent those evil folks (of all colors and ethnic origins) down the street from pinching your stuff and doing bad things to your homes and families. 


Human nature!






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On 29/05/2022 at 12:30, trastrick said:

George  Floyd, the poster boy for the BLM protests, riots, lootings and arson, portrayed in the MSM as the "Gentle Giant", was actually a career criminal,

Thanks for highlighting, yet again, your complete inability to comprehend the issues at hand.

On 30/05/2022 at 13:08, trastrick said:

I've come to believe it's white liberal closet racism that demands special treatment for minorities, who they have determined as not equal in society, and wish to keep them dependent on them, for their god given rights that everyone else has.

So much wrong here it's hard to know where to start, TBH... but again, simply shows your inability to comprehend the issues at hand.

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On 26/05/2022 at 13:03, trastrick said:

Or take some simple legal action to protect protect them?

Given the frankly staggering stat:


"In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden."


Clearly, by far the most simple first step, if you live in a state, county, or city that voted for Trump.... is move! :hihi:

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"The Dominican Republic's National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) has recorded more than 4,000 deaths during clashes with police or security forces between 2010 and April 2021 -- though they say many such deaths are not reported due to a lack of faith in the judicial system." france24  06/05/2022


Police killings:

UK           0.50 per 10 million

Canada 9.7

USA        28.5

Dominican Republic 131.8.  The 13th most likely country where a police officer will kill you.

'Police Killings by Country 2022', World Population Review





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21 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

"The Dominican Republic's National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) has recorded more than 4,000 deaths during clashes with police or security forces between 2010 and April 2021 -- though they say many such deaths are not reported due to a lack of faith in the judicial system." france24  06/05/2022


Police killings:

UK           0.50 per 10 million

Canada 9.7

USA        28.5

Dominican Republic 131.8.  The 13th most likely country where a police officer will kill you.

'Police Killings by Country 2022', World Population Review





Frontier justice, Lol.


Not a "racist" thing.


No revolving door for serial criminals.


DR is a gateway for South American drugs that finish up in the US and Canada. Where there's drugs, there's gangs, killings, and political and police corruption. Just like Canada and the U.S.


Over the heads of most hard working citizens, who don't want to run afoul of the law.


The police and militia are charged with keeping the streets safe, from gangs, thugs and bullies, and they do. No bleeding hearts here for the criminals. Jail first and explanations later.


That's why it's the fastest growing economy in the Caribbean, and the destination of choice for most Caribbean tourists, retirees, and their families.


Perfect? What is?


But if you like to live in a small town, with turquoise sea, white sand palm fringed beaches, restaurants all within a 10 minute walk, you can, like me, keep a low carbon footprint. No car, bus, taxi needed, unless you venture afield. If you insist on keeping a car you can park it anywhere, and it will be in one piece when you return.


No real inflation as most produce is locally grown, and aside from those who can't live without Heinz Ketchup, and Imported beer and spirits, locals produce everything we need!


But the big deal is the attitude of the locals. Although "poor" by  your Western Materialistic standards, they are happy, helpful, respect for family (their version of a "safety net") and manage to enjoy life, without the miserable faces I see on the streets of the UK and Toronto. Here, Trump, Biden and Boris don't exist.


No whinging here!


Oh. and that "common sense" you say is meaningless?


It's here in spades.


Evolution gave us a safety valve. call it common sense, intuition, gut feeling, manifested by Anna B, when she opined, "Beware of strangers bearing gifts"  :)




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