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Who Needs A Gun?

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23 hours ago, trastrick said:

Frontier justice, Lol.


Not a "racist" thing.


No revolving door for serial criminals.


DR is a gateway for South American drugs that finish up in the US and Canada. Where there's drugs, there's gangs, killings, and political and police corruption. Just like Canada and the U.S.


Over the heads of most hard working citizens, who don't want to run afoul of the law.


The police and militia are charged with keeping the streets safe, from gangs, thugs and bullies, and they do. No bleeding hearts here for the criminals. Jail first and explanations later.


That's why it's the fastest growing economy in the Caribbean, and the destination of choice for most Caribbean tourists, retirees, and their families.


Perfect? What is?


But if you like to live in a small town, with turquoise sea, white sand palm fringed beaches, restaurants all within a 10 minute walk, you can, like me, keep a low carbon footprint. No car, bus, taxi needed, unless you venture afield. If you insist on keeping a car you can park it anywhere, and it will be in one piece when you return.


No real inflation as most produce is locally grown, and aside from those who can't live without Heinz Ketchup, and Imported beer and spirits, locals produce everything we need!


But the big deal is the attitude of the locals. Although "poor" by  your Western Materialistic standards, they are happy, helpful, respect for family (their version of a "safety net") and manage to enjoy life, without the miserable faces I see on the streets of the UK and Toronto. Here, Trump, Biden and Boris don't exist.


No whinging here!


Oh. and that "common sense" you say is meaningless?


It's here in spades.


Evolution gave us a safety valve. call it common sense, intuition, gut feeling, manifested by Anna B, when she opined, "Beware of strangers bearing gifts"  :)




This thread is called "Who Needs A Gun?" Not "Why I need to justify living in the Dominican Republic."

It life is so good in the Dominican Republic I am surprised that need you to spend so much time and effort going on about other countries.

What would be interesting on a thread called  "Who needs a gun?" is the perspective of a foreigner living in a foreign country in which the police force kills so many unarmed people. 

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8 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

This thread is called "Who Needs A Gun?" Not "Why I need to justify living in the Dominican Republic."

It life is so good in the Dominican Republic I am surprised that need you to spend so much time and effort going on about other countries.

What would be interesting on a thread called  "Who needs a gun?" is the perspective of a foreigner living in a foreign country in which the police force kills so many unarmed people. 

Guns are tools, like knives and machetes. They are incapable of killing anyone, if not in the hands of killers  :)


This thread, is about Who Needs A Gun?


The answer is it depends on the individual circumstances.


In LA, Baltimore, Chicago, Nigeria, Ukraine, South Africa, I would own a gun.


The very politicians and celebs who are most vocal against guns, have their own gun toting bodyguards, security details, so its just "rules for thee"  :)


I have owned a gun. My trusty 303 Lee Enfield, which I was trained to use at 14/15.


Also had a 22 pellet airgun I used to keep gangs out of my back garden and that of the dear old lady next door, late at night.


One time the downtown Toronto riots arson and looting came up from downtown to my neighborhood. (They trashed Yonge/Bloor, the "Rodeo Drive" of Toronto.) Police couldn't handle it.


Have you ever had a riot, arson, looting in YOUR neighborhood?


Thought not!  :)


In my present DR home, I would not. No need. The police here do an admirable job in keeping the streets safe for law abiding people. The economy thrives as a result.


They are a little harder (much harder) on the louts, yobos, thugs and bullies, who have the run of the streets in some countries, and I'm aware of the bleeding hearts that put the rights of thugs and criminals, over the rights of citizens and their families, to safely go about their business.


So it's obvious we disagree.


But if you continually insist on being a moderator here, go get yer own blog!  :)

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Guns are tools, like knives and machetes. They are incapable of killing anyone, if not in the hands of killers  :)


This thread, is about Who Needs A Gun?


The answer is it depends on the individual circumstances.


In LA, Baltimore, Chicago, Nigeria, Ukraine, South Africa, I would own a gun.


The very politicians and celebs who are most vocal against guns, have their own gun toting bodyguards, security details, so its just "rules for thee"  :)


I have owned a gun. My trusty 303 Lee Enfield, which I was trained to use at 14/15.


Also had a 22 pellet airgun I used to keep gangs out of my back garden and that of the dear old lady next door, late at night.


One time the downtown Toronto riots arson and looting came up from downtown to my neighborhood. (They trashed Yonge/Bloor, the "Rodeo Drive" of Toronto.) Police couldn't handle it.


Have you ever had a riot, arson, looting in YOUR neighborhood?


Thought not!  :)


In my present DR home, I would not. No need. The police here do an admirable job in keeping the streets safe for law abiding people. The economy thrives as a result.


They are a little harder (much harder) on the louts, yobos, thugs and bullies, who have the run of the streets in some countries, and I'm aware of the bleeding hearts that put the rights of thugs and criminals, over the rights of citizens and their families, to safely go about their business.


So it's obvious we disagree.


But if you continually insist on being a moderator here, go get yer own blog!  :)

Exactly how useful would a "...303 Lee Enfield..." and a "...22 pellet airgun" be in the face of a mob?

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Just now, Annie Bynnol said:

Exactly how useful would a "...303 Lee Enfield..." and a "...22 pellet airgun" be in the face of a mob?

More effective than calling 911 for the police that riotous night!


"we are experiencing a greater than normal call volume, please try our website........."


The pellet gun was for the backyard young thugs that that harassed the dear old lady next door, late at night.


A stinging shot in the ass was my "proportionate response"!  :)


It worked while I lived there. They moved on to "softer" targets, like bullies always do.


The cops there are always more concerned with overnight parking tickets, than vandalism and theft.


My brother Roy (Royston on SF ex pats)  has to leave his car doors open at night to at least save the thieves damage and broken windows, but the cops somehow never miss an overnight parking infraction.


True!  :)



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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

More effective than calling 911 for the police that riotous night!


"we are experiencing a greater than normal call volume, please try our website........."


The pellet gun was for the backyard young thugs that that harassed the dear old lady next door, late at night.


A stinging shot in the ass was my "proportionate response"!  :)


It worked while I lived there. They moved on to "softer" targets, like bullies always do.


The cops there are always more concerned with overnight parking tickets, than vandalism and theft.


My brother Roy (Royston on SF ex pats)  has to leave his car doors open at night to at least save the thieves damage and broken windows, but the cops somehow never miss an overnight parking infraction.


True!  :)



Being shot in the 'bum' by a pellet would certainly be no deterrent for us as we all had access to air weapons and were only too happy to use them. Escalation is not proportional and would just invite bigger and more unpleasant situations. Our favourite was wet cement in the porch. What stopped us? Evidence and the magistrate. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


Good to see that Canadians are proposing a handgun sales bans as well as the new assault weapons laws. 

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16 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Being shot in the 'bum' by a pellet would certainly be no deterrent for us as we all had access to air weapons and were only too happy to use them. Escalation is not proportional and would just invite bigger and more unpleasant situations. Our favourite was wet cement in the porch. What stopped us? Evidence and the magistrate. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


Good to see that Canadians are proposing a handgun sales bans as well as the new assault weapons laws. 

The Conservative Government of  Ontario, won an historic election last night.


His stance on guns:

"Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservative Party don’t support a widespread ban, but have instead called for tighter security at U.S border crossings to cut down on smuggling of illegal guns, as well as stricter penalties. The party projects more than 80 per cent of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally".


While banning guns does have an emotional appeal to the electorate, the effectiveness of reducing violent crime,  by making laws that, by definition, only law abiding folks will follow, is the subject of studies, on both sides of the issue.


One such study, linked below, is informative.


The pro ban sudies such as the oft quoted Harvard one, do not consider the fact that high levels of  gun ownership can be a result of a human RESPONSE to living in a high crime infested area, not the CAUSE. And while gun related deaths can fall, violent crime have increased.


The real solution, in my view, is to make the penaltlies for all crimes prohibitive. Stiffer sentences. Restitution for victims, and parental financial liability for minors who commit crimes.


For example, DUI, and speeding were rife when you only got a fine, and a couple of points on your record. (Ontario)


Now the fines are prohibitive, you can lose your license for years, and your insurance costs go through the roof, and now we drive along no more than 5% over the limit without a problem, (except for those darned Audi drivers!)  Lol


The Failed Experiment Gun Control and Public Safety in Canada, Australia, England and Wales


"Widely televised firearm murders in many countries during the 20th Century have spurred politicians to introduce restrictive gun laws. The politicians then promise that the new restrictions will reduce criminal violence and “create a safer society.” It is time to pause and ask if gun laws actually do reduce criminal violence...........(read more below)





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Well a story run in The Times states a survey amongst Americans shows that 1/3 of those polled believe that mass shootings in America are a price worth paying for a free society. 


Well you might be 'free' but there's a good chance you're going to be shot by one of the other 'free' people.  

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On 07/06/2022 at 05:54, Baron99 said:

Well a story run in The Times states a survey amongst Americans shows that 1/3 of those polled believe that mass shootings in America are a price worth paying for a free society.

Sure... but then a decent proportion also think a prayer session is the answer...



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