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20,000 Afghan Refugees Coming To The Uk.

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This may clear it up for you all.




"A military disaster is the defeat of one side in a battle or war which results in the complete failure of the losing side to achieve their objectives. It often, but not always, involves a high and disproportionate loss of life. The causes are varied and include human error, inferior technology, logistical problems, underestimating the enemy, being outnumbered, and bad luck.[1][2][3][4]"`

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'Operation Warm Welcome', the government’s Afghan resettlement programme, doesn't seem to be going that well.

Some Afghanis who were resettled to the UK, after the Taliban took over their country, have begged to be allowed to go back home. The authorities have not registered them with local health services; one local council had no baby milk left; some 7,000 are in bed and breakfast temporary accommodation; sadly one little boy plunged to his death in Sheffield after his family were put in a hotel.

Councillor Danny Thorpe of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, south-east London, said the lack of organised government support when 700 Afghans arrived in the borough in August was “unforgivable”. “This was one of the most shocking failures of government that I ever encountered,” he said.

‘Send us home,’ beg Afghan refugees stuck in UK hotels | Refugees | The Guardian

Perhaps Boris could go around and tell them some bad taste jokes. That'd cheer them all up :roll:




Edited by Mister M
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The French just stand back and waive them across, and to be honest I can’t blame them, best it happen over here than over there. The EU is playing with people’s lives, politics is a really awful thing, how much does it cost to treat people fairly?

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49 minutes ago, crookesey said:

The French just stand back and waive them across, and to be honest I can’t blame them, best it happen over here than over there. The EU is playing with people’s lives, politics is a really awful thing, how much does it cost to treat people fairly?

These are the ones that were flown into the UK from Kabul. The French took a load from Kabul  too, alot of countries did.

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