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Trolling ! .


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I strongly believe there are certain individuals that use this forum that are trying to get others banned and threads closed down by goading them into an argument by specifically targeting certain individuals !!!!..


If you believe you are being trolled and goaded rise above it and block and ignore them in your settings !!!!.....


I’ll be doing that myself from now on if I feel this is the case.....



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Hi Box11


I am at times not sure about the difference between trolling, provacation and childishness on this Forum.

Try to be more self disciplined and ignore some posts and certain individuals

The football section is both interesting and entertaining, look at it with that in mind.

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5 hours ago, bassett one said:

i agree take what is said more light hearted i do these days,and with football especially.

Well said I think we all need to be more disciplined with ourselves and others especially in the football section and other sections  of the forum......



At the end of day it’s football a game and should be enjoyable whatever team you support so let’s as a collective do better with our posts and try not to offend others...... 

Edited by Box11
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Certain people get pleasure out of winding others up.

Some very wise words already mentioned by others, to be light-hearted and ignore.


For this forum to continue recovering from its fall all people of all sorts need to be welcomed and allowed. This is not a closedminded fanatic religious like club chatting about things that needs super hyper moderation.

When suspecting someone is trolling best thing is to ignore, its not your problem, poor troll. Don't feed them with the response they want and they will have to move on somewhere else.

Edited by dutch
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