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Trolling ! .


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2 hours ago, dutch said:

Certain people get pleasure out of winding others up.

Some very wise words already mentioned by others, to be light-hearted and ignore.


For this forum to continue recovering from its fall all people of all sorts need to be welcomed and allowed. This is not a closedminded fanatic religious like club chatting about things that needs super hyper moderation.

When suspecting someone is trolling best thing is to ignore, its not your problem, poor troll. Don't feed them with the response they want and they will have to move on somewhere else.

Dutch, I have not forgotten or forgiven what resulted in a10 year’s absence, but looking backwards is a very negative thing to do. I wouldn’t wish the current regime to go troll spotting, after all one man’s troll is another man’s OK poster, just ignore who you consider is trolling, if you take them to task then you have fallen into their trap.

Edited by crookesey
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Where do you define trolling though?

I see a lot of posters across various platforms, including SF, accused of trolling simply by challenging the views of the OP or of another respondant. 

If you're an active member of a forum you generally reply and add to a number of topics. You're often going to cross paths with other active members and will have differing opinions. 

I've been accused of trolling before when I had simply provided an alternative opinion then further posted with evidence to support when that opinion was challenged. 


Should I not stick to my guns when I post an opinion?

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41 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Dutch, I have not forgotten or forgiven what resulted in a10 year’s absence, but looking backwards is a very negative thing to do. I wouldn’t wish the current regime to go troll spotting, after all one man’s troll is another man’s OK poster, just ignore who you consider is trolling, if you take them to task then you have fallen into their trap.

Sorry. Maybe you misunderstood me I do agree with you.

My looking back was intended to move on positively again.

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There's a few posters who clearly try to bait others. The problem is they are terrible at it. 

I've had my honesty brought into question and when that didn't get a bite my parenting was brought into question then finally my kids were used to try and get a bite. All because I have a differing opinion to the clique. 

Really scummy tactics by some low rent troll wannabes. However, whilst I understand it can be upsetting for some people to be targeted like this, for me it's water off a ducks back and proof that these jokers have little to no life. 

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14 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

There's a few posters who clearly try to bait others. The problem is they are terrible at it. 

I've had my honesty brought into question and when that didn't get a bite my parenting was brought into question then finally my kids were used to try and get a bite. All because I have a differing opinion to the clique. 

Really scummy tactics by some low rent troll wannabes. However, whilst I understand it can be upsetting for some people to be targeted like this, for me it's water off a ducks back and proof that these jokers have little to no life. 

Why are you going on about it then. ?

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