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How Do I Stop Our Dog Farting.


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12 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Our dog is my best pal , we go every where together, he sleeps at my feet and is there with a nuzzle and a wagging tail if I am down in the dumps .


However he has one fault , A fault that causes visitors to flee and us to cover our noooasers with a  pillow , He farts , He farts for England, he can stink out a room be it at the pub or in a aero hanger , the smell is awful like old cabbage mixed with rotting fish skin .


So any advise please , How do we stop him letting them go , we have tried funny shaped dishes to slow his eating down , tablets from the vets , starving and spraying him wi scent but now't works he just carries on through thick and thin , I might have to move out .

You might just have cracked it with your last suggestion. 😄

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Our young dog could clear a room with her farts, and her stools were dreadfully pungent!  Worse than any of my previous pooches over the years. Someone suggested we moved her onto a raw diet. I can't remember the last time she farted and her stools are now tiny, solid and don't smell! (And her food bill is much cheaper)

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On 21/08/2021 at 18:52, cuttsie said:

Our dog is my best pal , we go every where together, he sleeps at my feet and is there with a nuzzle and a wagging tail if I am down in the dumps .


However he has one fault , A fault that causes visitors to flee and us to cover our noooasers with a  pillow , He farts , He farts for England, he can stink out a room be it at the pub or in a aero hanger , the smell is awful like old cabbage mixed with rotting fish skin .


So any advise please , How do we stop him letting them go , we have tried funny shaped dishes to slow his eating down , tablets from the vets , starving and spraying him wi scent but now't works he just carries on through thick and thin , I might have to move out .

Have you tried changing his food? Luckily the only thing that makes my lass (17 month old Lab) fart excessively is doggy ice cream, which is easily avoided.. She is on James Wellbeloved kibble and meat. 

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