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Basic Instruction In Household Repairs Wanted

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I'm even better in the Kitchen,

I bought a 1kg bag of frozen peas from Iceland, when I got home and lifted the peas out of my shopping bag, they split open, the kitchen floor was a sea of green.

Did the same thing with gravy granules, bent down picked them out of the cupboard, to be left with only the lid..Ah-Bisto.

I decided to have a couple of hard boiled eggs, put them in the pan to boil..and forgot all about them..

1hr later I heard an explosion in the kitchen, What the!!! I rushed into the kitchen, only to find my kitchen walls had a nice Egg shell finish.

Talking about Eggs, someone told me that rubbing a raw egg on your hair works wonders, so what does Joe Soap do..

He rubs a raw egg on his head, leaves it a couple of mins, then washes his hair with hot water,,, I didn't eat the resulting scrambled egg.

Not once, not twice but multiple times have I opened the cupboard (head height one) door, dropped summat on the floor, bent down to pick it up, stood back up and bang (you guessed it) I'm seriously thinking of wearing protective headgear.

And that's another thing, when I drop a small item on the floor, why does it vanish of the planet..

And all this happened just last week....

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5 minutes ago, Findlay said:

The only way anyone gets good at anything is practice and failure.

Both are important aspects to experience.

Its strange how you always remember failure but soon forget success.

Suppose your right doc.

I bought a new toaster, took me about 3 months to learn how to use it, I've now cracked it, no mishaps as yet :thumbsup:

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20 hours ago, Findlay said:

The only way anyone gets good at anything is practice and failure.

Both are important aspects to experience.

Its strange how you always remember failure but soon forget success.

No mate I am incredibly proud of changing some single socket to double ones all by myself and finding not only did they work but the house is still standing. Every time I use them I get a real buzz

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3 minutes ago, Bigal1 said:

No mate I am incredibly proud of changing some single socket to double ones all by myself and finding not only did they work but the house is still standing. Every time I use them I get a real buzz

Everytime I did a small electrical job, I used to take cover in the garden, while my wife tested it.

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3 hours ago, Bigal1 said:

No mate I am incredibly proud of changing some single socket to double ones all by myself and finding not only did they work but the house is still standing. Every time I use them I get a real buzz

Hmmm... :huh:

... that's probably caused by a loose earth connection! :)

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