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Courts Information

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Do our law courts publish theie cases online? With the rise in fake news you would think everything should be online.

It should certainly be for the public to see, once they have been convicted.

When there are sex crimes, the cases get media attention so that more people can come forward.

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45 minutes ago, El Cid said:

There is this one, but I dont like putting my details into unfamiliar websites.



Well in that case set up a email with a fake name then, that website is more than fine and has all the Crown court listings for free.

Remember anyone can ring the Court and ask for the result of a trial.

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On 27/08/2021 at 20:49, HumbleNarrator said:

Lowest common denominator trash pastime. Those who take  pleasure in reading court listings would have been cheering and jeering at public executions back in tose days.

When I read about accusations online, I like to verify the facts!


Clare's Law is the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme. It's named after Clare Wood, who was murdered in 2009 by her ex-boyfriend who had a history of violence against women. The scheme allows you to ask us about the information we hold on a person in relation to domestic abuse offences and convictions.


High profile cases will have been reported in the media, but not everyone knows how to Google. Why does it neen Clairs law to have this information available?

An employer can ask for a DBS check, why isnt all information open for all?

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6 hours ago, El Cid said:

When I read about accusations online, I like to verify the facts!


Clare's Law is the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme. It's named after Clare Wood, who was murdered in 2009 by her ex-boyfriend who had a history of violence against women. The scheme allows you to ask us about the information we hold on a person in relation to domestic abuse offences and convictions.


High profile cases will have been reported in the media, but not everyone knows how to Google. Why does it neen Clairs law to have this information available?

An employer can ask for a DBS check, why isnt all information open for all?

Because the wider public can't be trusted. They are reactionary and emotive and dumb.


It's exactly the same reason why someone's medical history or credit scoring or earnings information it's not widely publicised available to anyone to view at the click of a button.


Just what sort of nosiness, interference and influence you think is acceptable to get to know about a fellow person..... I used to be of the thoughts of if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about, but as I've got older and wiser I had started to waver on such position.  The abuses of our personal data seems to be increasing day by day.


Court records show that someone goes up in court, now what happens when people start prejudging, or disagree with the sentencing or think that the judge made the wrong call, what about those who decide to take the law into their own hands. Is that acceptable?


In the alternative, what about those who, despite the judge's decision, will never accept a person is innocent and then allow that influence how they treat such person going forward. Is that acceptable?  What about those whose reputation was irrecoverably damaged because they were named and shamed despite the fact they proved they did nothing wrong.


What about some other scenarios? Let's say this applied to many other factors of personal data.


Say, if you knew in advance that your neighbour next door about to move in was convicted of petty theft 30 years ago and had a very poor credit history with large credit card debt. Are you honestly saying that you will not treat them differently?


What about say you were gathering some colleagues to join the local inter office five-a-side team, and you dig out that a potential player has a medical condition which may hamper their performance. Are you really saying that you will not let that influence your decision of whether to join them in your team?


Where exactly does it end?   There is a reason why only authorised authorities can and should be able to access such information.  There's a reason why there are strict rules on how those authorised bodies handle, disclose and store such information.


The argument on high-profile person's, those in positions of public trust and severe criminality is different. But I'm very concerned with some sort of open access for all upon all.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Currently, some decided cases are freely published at



There are also commercially-available Law Reports.


The UK National Archives are in the process of a comprehensive all-cases database. Once established, it will enable UK court cases to be reported on a single website. However, I doubt that it will extend to every case heard by magistrates, Crown Court, and County court- largely because their decisions do not create legal precedents bearing on subsequent cases.


And no Reports include all evidence and Witness Statements.

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10 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Where exactly does it end?   There is a reason why only authorised authorities can and should be able to access such information.  There's a reason why there are strict rules on how those authorised bodies handle, disclose and store such information.

The reason that I want court information, which I assume the news media will get in due course, is because a local councillor is being harassed, allegedly, and the person doing the harrasing is only holding the councillor to account in her job.

What is happeneing, is that some friends are getting private messages about the other party.

Of course people believe the fine upstanding councillor, but not all representatives are honest!

The case has been transfered to the county court at Leeds, not sure if that makes the information more freely available.

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