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Local Football Clubs And Their Expenditure ?


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Just now, Kelvin Phlats said:

WOOOOOOOOOOSH, nothing gets past you mate does it.😂😂😂

So you have tried all night to be some kind of clever dick and had to finally admit we are not skint so all your snidey posts were for nothing. By the way i will not let it drop with you accussing me of being thick, you can bet your life on that.

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3 minutes ago, Kelvin Phlats said:

😂😂😂 And you can seriously bet your life that I don't give a flying one, comprehende?

By the way, nowhere have I said you're not skint, that's just your imagination running wild again.

You know you'll lose don't you?

We shall see, we shall see, care to put up your evidence to prove I am of low intellingence  or is that another subject you will just draw out before admitting you were wrong.

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7 minutes ago, monzaman said:

Please don't patronise me sheridan I didn't expect it from you. "haven't got a grasp of what's going on in the real world" listen to yourself!!

some posters on here have a very high opinion of themselves and their posts posts reflect that. All i do is answer them in a logical way and ask them to explain their posts, i can't help it if they take offence to that and resort to name calling. I thought after the episode with the mentally handicapped name calling on here you would understand why It boils my p*ss when posters try to make out you are thick .What do you mean by maybe comments on here about me are true can you elaborate on this please with evidence to back it up!!!!

Hooray all night to admit we are not skint, what a waste of a night!!!!!!!

It’s all about opinions…mine isn’t any better than anyone else’s …but there are times when you seem to miss the point or a comment..makes it difficult to keep a conversation going really…don’t take every comment personally…it’s only a forum …

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45 minutes ago, monzaman said:

look you need to man up and admit you are a WED fan, it's no big deal, you can still post on here as a WED fan but at least we know where you are coming from then!!!! 

You know I asked to meet you at the lane because we both know you don't go to the lane so it was never going to happen, stop taking things so seriously !!!

I go tut Lane 

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3 minutes ago, Kelvin Phlats said:

Yeah, Brewster, what's all that about? Decent player prior to that lot messing him up, L'Pool had their pants down as well as wilder.

It just proved matey that “Chrissy” was well out of his depth at that level and yes Liverpool mugged him good and proper !!!..


He loved kissing the badge being a lifelong blade i do wonder where he is going to spend his money that he got oh yeah I know “Eccy Road”(Ecclesall  road) with the rest of the idiots !!!!.....

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2 minutes ago, Sheridan1-0 said:

It’s all about opinions…mine isn’t any better than anyone else’s …but there are times when you seem to miss the point or a comment..makes it difficult to keep a conversation going really…don’t take every comment personally…it’s only a forum …

I don't miss a point, it's just I answer a thinly veiled dig with a straight comment to explain it. The conversation is difficult to move on when posters won't answer your question but instead go round in circles or insult you. Early on in this thread i had bassett and cuttsie answer me and give me their opinion which was good but then the "gang" LOL of three WED posters just tried to make out we are skint without backing it up with evidence, this went on all night before we finally got around to admitting we are not skint!!!!!!!! Nothing wrong with opinions unless you try and make out your opinion  is the only one that matters!!!

8 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I go tut Lane 

Ok pal, please don't join in I've got 3 on my back already!!!!!

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9 minutes ago, Kelvin Phlats said:

You've provided as much evidence as reasonable person would need. Beyond reasonable doubt is the term used.

So no you can't prove it so I will give you one more chance to take it back before getting the mods involved (something I have never done) because I hate anything to do with low /intellingence thick name calling and won't let it drop, it's up to you now

2 minutes ago, Kelvin Phlats said:

You are skint, you just don't want to admit it. Willy Callabrero? What more do you need?

Prove it with figures or shut up!!!!

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