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Sheffield in the 80s

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I was a little girl in the 80's and I have really fond memories of growing up.


Bizarre memories like being mesmorised by the fantastic staircase in the Co-OP, I thought it was really magical, must admit I still do, I'm weird aren't i?


I also remember going into the castle market with my nan and there was a man in the lift who used to press the buttons for you, I thought that was great!


I also remember watching the Lord Mayors Parade sat on a railing near the hole in the road and when I got down I couldn't walk because I'd got cramp in my legs, I cried for ages because I'd never had cramp before and I thought I'd never be able to walk again! lol


Now i don't know if this is some sick false memory thing but I remember being outside the cannon pub with my sister and looking up at the castle market and there was a man who was going to jump, we stood watching him for ages, he didn't jump.


I also remember the first time I ever went on a bus on my own, well I was with my friend actually. We lived on the Cross and we went to Hillsborough, it was nerve wrecking. I remember saying to my mum "how do you learn which bus stop to get off at?" I honestly thought it was impossible to be able to find your way around. In fact I'm still rubbish at this now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i used to go to the top rank on a saturday morning 10p on the door...you couldn't move for tank tops and rupert bear trousers......remember being outside once and the bouncer made me take all the seggs out of my shoes before i was allowed in..he said they'd scratch the dance floor......also remember going to ABC cinema saturdays.......think it was called the ABC minors club.

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Originally posted by Lickszz

What about Virgin Records on High Street? I used to buy all my singles from there.


And the Legends Bar.


I used to love going to Lgends,id forgotten about that place thanx for reminding me. had great times there

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to practically live in Cann's on Chapel Walk in the 60s. The record department was in the basement and you could listen to records for hours in the little booths without too much hassle from the staff. Just about all my Beatles' records came from there. Although we considered ourselves terribly hip in those days, they were definitely more innocent times. I dread to think what would happen if they still had those private listening booths these days. They'd probably have to install ultra violet light (like they do in the toilets in some braches of McDonald's) so the junkies couldn't use them. Before they moved to Chapel Walk, Cann's were located in Dixon Lane off Haymarket.

Bradley's in Fargate (opposite Wilson Peck) was one of the first shops to stock blues boom and prog rock LPs in the late 60s and Violet May's of course was great for turning up interesting second hand stuff.

In the 60s there was a good record stall in the rag market where you could pick up recently deleted 45s. I remember buying My Bonnie/The Saints by Tony Sheridan & The Beatles for one shilling and sixpence (seven & a half pence). It's one of the records they recorded for Polydor in Germany in 1961 before they signed to Parlophone. It sold diddly squat when it was first released and was hard to find even in 1964.

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I miss that hill ridden palce..


I was wondering if any of you old gits saw Durango 95 back themn..


Would like to find : Plague Dogs, an old band, and some others..


OK, Durango wasn't too cool, but we had some storming nights at the LIMIT, Club with 2 brains, and I sorley miss the bash under the city hall... quality town.


NB: i was the singer of Durango 95 - these days I'm living in Moscow, Russia and write solo material..web site is http://www.lyndsaydarcy.co.uk if any old buggers are interested.. and there is an EP due for release in March'ish


Cheers, it's not my kid!!! Max.. aka D'arcy, git, bastid, and others..

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