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Doctors And Surgeries Getting Lazy.


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I don’t know about GP practices but the head of rheumatology and his number two at the Hallamshire, who in my opinion we’re excellent doctors, are now using their skills in foreign parts. To lose one is misfortunate, but to loose two is down right carelessness.

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So here's my recent experience. 

My son was born just over 2 years ago and whilst gestating was diagnosed with enlarged ventricles in the brain which was kept an eye on, however at one point we were facing the possibility of our child needing surgery not long after he was born. Thankfully that became unnecessary. His neuro issues have subsided but still registered with neurology. 

Recently both myself and his mum have noticed that he has developed a 'lazy eye' & given his previous we wanted to get it checked.

Our GP offered a PHONE appointment 🤬

How in god's green earth is a GP meant to diagnose a new, physical issue without seeing the patient? 

Mark my words, in the coming years there will be an investigation by somone that will attribute scores of unnecessary deaths directly linked to GPs and their cowardice. Because that's what it is, cowardice. Refusing to see patients and then sending them to their colleagues in the hospitals. 

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22 hours ago, Resident said:

So here's my recent experience. 

My son was born just over 2 years ago and whilst gestating was diagnosed with enlarged ventricles in the brain which was kept an eye on, however at one point we were facing the possibility of our child needing surgery not long after he was born. Thankfully that became unnecessary. His neuro issues have subsided but still registered with neurology. 

Recently both myself and his mum have noticed that he has developed a 'lazy eye' & given his previous we wanted to get it checked.

Our GP offered a PHONE appointment 🤬

How in god's green earth is a GP meant to diagnose a new, physical issue without seeing the patient? 

Mark my words, in the coming years there will be an investigation by somone that will attribute scores of unnecessary deaths directly linked to GPs and their cowardice. Because that's what it is, cowardice. Refusing to see patients and then sending them to their colleagues in the hospitals. 

I developed a vision situation rung the expert on reception (40 mins on phone wait) She told me to go to the optician .

Ended up at hospital with serious eye problem .

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9 hours ago, cuttsie said:

I developed a vision situation rung the expert on reception (40 mins on phone wait) She told me to go to the optician .

Ended up at hospital with serious eye problem .

I hope you've submitted a formal complaint to the surgery and the GMC..

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22 hours ago, cuttsie said:

I developed a vision situation rung the expert on reception (40 mins on phone wait) She told me to go to the optician .

Ended up at hospital with serious eye problem .


Going to an optician immediately can be the best way to resolve similar situations if unsure, as I found out.

Four years ago I walked in off the street and a very junior assistant at Specsavers recognised my situation straight away and interrupted a qualified opticians list, who sent me straight away to the eye clinic at the RHH.

You can also self-refer(The Emergency Eye Clinic at RHH is open from 8:30am – 4:30pm - Monday to Friday.)

Sudden big floaters , shooting stars and sudden blurred vision can be symptoms of serious eye problems which need immediate attention.


Going to your doctors surgery is a waste of time.








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My GP surgery has been shocking though all this lockdown and restrictions nonsense which hasn't been a major deal as I order all my lads repeat prescriptions through Patient Access. However the Gp's decided to ditch that and move to some NHS app which is not getting anywhere near my phone. 

So today I had to order a repeat the old fashioned way as the practice manager decided to stop people ordering them over the phone.  Off I went to the surgery expecting all kinds of silly restrictions to still be in place but to my surprise it was practically back to how it was pre Covid. I got a few dirty looks from a few masked individuals but the receptionist greeted me with a lovely smile and I was done and dusted in 30 seconds and on my way. 

What a great start to the day. 


Edited by The_DADDY
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4 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My GP surgery has been shocking though all this lockdown and restrictions nonsense which hasn't been a major deal as I order all my lads repeat prescriptions through Patient Access. However the Gp's decided to ditch that and move to some NHS app which is not getting anywhere near my phone. 

So today I had to order a repeat the old fashioned way as the practice manager decided to stop people ordering them over the phone.  Off I went to the surgery expecting all kinds of silly restrictions to still be in place but to my surprise it was practically back to how it was pre Covid. I got a few dirty looks from a few masked individuals but the receptionist greeted me with a lovely smile and I was done and dusted in 30 seconds and on my way. 

What a great start to the day. 


If you’d just downloaded the NHS app, your happy days might have started sooner.



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2 minutes ago, sibon said:

Aye. Of course.



That one broke so I got a 15 quid basic one from argos. I can send you a photo of it if you like. 

By the way, its so nice of you to take such an interest in me that you remembered such an obscure post ❤️

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