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Doctors And Surgeries Getting Lazy.


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On 15/10/2021 at 13:17, Funky_Gibbon said:

This thread is proof that propaganda works and the Government and their tabloid mouthpieces can get people to turn on absolutely anyone at the drop of a hat.



If you were to ask any doctor how their job has been over the last 18 months, I doubt they'd call it easy.


Anyway,  the health secretary is now going to SHAME doctors who don't see enough people face to face. Great. You know that long wait some of you have for appointments ? Its now going to get much, much longer.

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The number of GPs in the UK has fallen by about 7% since 2015 (*). The remaining GPs are overworked, not even allowing for a pandemic.  This will manifest itself in many ways, such as difficulty getting quick appointments. GPs will of course seize upon things which allow them to use their time more efficiently, such as video/telephone consultations. A remote session like that will be perfectly fine for many consultations, and for the ones which aren't, the GP can always of course arrange a face-to-face meeting.


Turning to politics now: under Labour, the number of GPs per 100,000 of the English population increased from 55 in 1997 to 64 in 2000; then under Coalition and Tory, dropped to 58 by 2018.


(*) One has to be cautious with such statistics - there are many way of counting the number of GPs and population etc; but the overall trend is: up in the 2000's, then down in 2010's.

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15 hours ago, LovePotion said:

It's a disgrace. How can you diagnose someone without seeing them in person? You are right, laziness has seeped in to GP surgeries. People with ailments like Diabetes need to be checked upclose for things like gangrene and sores. You can't do that over a telephone. 

But if you triage someone over the phone, you can bring them in for an appointment. I don't to see a dr for an asthma review - and I'd bet a fair few drs appointments are wasted. 


Lazy doctors - in a pandemic. I've seen it all.

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3 hours ago, LovePotion said:

If you think there really is a pandemic then you are part of the problem. Wake up and see what is going on here.

So, let's see then. On the one hand, almost every health professional in the world is saying that it's a pandemic. On the other hand, some person on an internet forum has just told me it isn't.  So who should I believe? Tricky....

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Not seen a G.P face to face since March 2020 I have seen by nurses quite a few times for Bloods and Diabetes checks etc.


During the pandemic, I've had a number of G.P phone consultations, I've a complex medical history wth various conditions. I've preferred these and the G.Ps haven't  been shy on referring me to the hospitals when  they've deemed necessary to do so.


In June whilst discussing routine blood results, I happened to mention I'd had a headache and vision issues at the weekend, and  that it had sorted itself out, this was 4 days earlier, the G.P wanted to refer me for a test, within an hour I had a call from neurology to attend the Hallamshire  5 hours later confirmed with a Blood clot in the brain.


 I'm almost fully ok now and taking meds to prevent further episodes, 


since then, I've had dozens of Hospital visits for repeated tests ranging from MRI, CT, Cardiograms, 72hrECGs, Cameras Top and Bottom, checks for Blood Cancers, bubble study,  a check for a hole in the heart, next month I'm having MRI with contrast again for kidneys.


All staff at  my G.P and Hospitals have all been friendly and stayed positive throughout, my experiences may not tally with others, but for me the NHS staff have been fantastic throughout.




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  • 3 weeks later...

just rang today 22 in que, something going on, major crisis?

"since then, I've had dozens of Hospital visits for repeated tests ranging from MRI, CT, Cardiograms, 72hrECGs, Cameras Top and Bottom, checks for Blood Cancers, bubble study,  a check for a hole in the heart, next month I'm having MRI with contrast again for kidneys."


You must have good medics, i have had severe chronic illness for 30 years, and had only couple of those listed.


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On 18/10/2021 at 20:51, LovePotion said:

Don't say I didn't try and warn you.

Love Potion Number 9, you are the one who needs to wake up, have you been watching too many David Icke or "Ick" as I call him videos lately ?


There really is a pandemic ... but I guess unless you know someone who has actually died of it, it never brings it home to you ... and it is instead as non-real to you as the real ness of the anti-vax theories that you no doubt follow avidly on social media 😞


Edited by GinTreeS7
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can only say I have been incredibly lucky compared to many people. In the last 6 months I have seen my gp, surgery nurse practitioners, hospital department consultants and nurses including audiology, ophthalmology, dermatology and others. In every case the care and treatment has been exemplary. I have the highest regard for all the fantastic people at RHH, thank you to all of you.

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