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What Do You Want From Political Leaders And Partys?

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For me personally I want a party who puts the people first along with strong leadership instead of cheap showmanship who only offer fantasy while reality becomes unbearable for the masses.


I have the general impressions many see our political system has broken and not fit for purposes and the main parties of all colours not representative of their views. My question is what do you want I know you can not please everyone but perhaps some common ground could be found?

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Politics is not about "What do you want?"


A political party is a collection of interest groups and ideologies who seek the power to make decisions in order to enact change, or not.

In the UK they need a majority of votes cast.

At best a political party or candidate will offer a "direction" in which their policies will go and an "expectation" that they will behave in a certain way in response to outside changes.

Politics is not a wish list, it is about being the least unattractive to the voters.


Political parties have at times to re-invent themselves and adapt to social change. 

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1 hour ago, GabrielC said:

I have the general impressions many see our political system has broken and not fit for purposes and the main parties of all colours not representative of their views. My question is what do you want I know you can not please everyone but perhaps some common ground could be found?

Would a male leader represent the views of women, or a rich leader the views of the poor? Partys are funded by donors, surely they partially represent them too.

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'Democracy' is much peddled con, and simply a way of keeping the huddled masses quiet and servile. Governments frequently get into power with little more than a third of the vote, and are free to ignore their promises which got them elected in the first place.


Yes, a party of honest representatives who put the people first would be nice, but dream on, it isn't going to happen anytime soon. The system needs to change. We are merely the cash cows who obediantly pay our taxes only to get shafted again and again...  

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

'Democracy' is much peddled con, and simply a way of keeping the huddled masses quiet and servile. Governments frequently get into power with little more than a third of the vote, and are free to ignore their promises which got them elected in the first place.


Yes, a party of honest representatives who put the people first would be nice, but dream on, it isn't going to happen anytime soon. The system needs to change. We are merely the cash cows who obediantly pay our taxes only to get shafted again and again...  

Oh Anna, I could nearly have said that, nearly but not quite. IMHO what we need is a party of unification, let the far left form a communist party and the far right a fascist party, neither would last long because party politics is dead. What we could end up with is a U.K. Democratic Party that is a servant of the people, but sadly not in my lifetime.

Edited by crookesey
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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

 The system needs to change. We are merely the cash cows who obediantly pay our taxes only to get shafted again and again...  

Welcome to the world, it's how the world works, always has, always will, as long as humans are in charge.

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I'd like them to stop making promises they either may not be able to keep or have no intention of keeping. They do it because the electorate want to hear them so all the broken promises are really our fault. Any party which was honest enough to say it couldn't promise not to raise taxes, control immigration, fully fund the NHS, bring down crime etc wouldn't get elected and they know this so they make the promises we want to hear and then find they have to break them.

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9 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Politics is not about "What do you want?"


A political party is a collection of interest groups and ideologies who seek the power to make decisions in order to enact change, or not.

In the UK they need a majority of votes cast.

At best a political party or candidate will offer a "direction" in which their policies will go and an "expectation" that they will behave in a certain way in response to outside changes.

Politics is not a wish list, it is about being the least unattractive to the voters.


Political parties have at times to re-invent themselves and adapt to social change. 

Yes political parties need ' direction ' but that seems sadly lacking  the electorate then see their vote as wasted.  









6 hours ago, melthebell said:

Welcome to the world, it's how the world works, always has, always will, as long as humans are in charge

8 hours ago, Anna B said:

'Democracy' is much peddled con, and simply a way of keeping the huddled masses quiet and servile. Governments frequently get into power with little more than a third of the vote, and are free to ignore their promises which got them elected in the first place.


Yes, a party of honest representatives who put the people first would be nice, but dream on, it isn't going to happen anytime soon. The system needs to change. We are merely the cash cows who obediantly pay our taxes only to get shafted again and again...  

The first past the post system needs to go and be replaced by PR the time is ripe to charge our political landscape.


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