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Unwanted Presents

stephen 7

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a couple of years ago i did a job for a couple and when i finished the husband paid me and said before you go my wife and i would like you to have this.i was hoping for a nice tip but instead he put a small blue bible from  the seventh day adventist church.feeling let down i left quickly after a quick thanks  just wondering if anyone else has recieved things they didnt expect or want

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Well here is a little story that happened to me .

I Was working on a house renovation job just below City Road cemetery .


The lady next door was a little eccentric and practiced white witch craft , I liked her from the moment I met her as am attracted to people who are different .


We talked about life in general and she told me about her beliefs and so on .


A few of the lads on the job had a good laugh at my expense making comments about Winnie the witch and so on .

Any way one day Pat (her name) came up to me and offered a me a gift she did so by holding her hands out cup like . The gift was just a charm wrapped in silver paper and I asked her what it was for , She just replied "it is for you" .and walked away .


Well the lads were in hysterics laughing at my gift which was apparently a worthless piece of metal , but I was chuffed and thought it a nice little episode in my day.


My partner Tosh Wild along with Martin Lee the plumber were the biggest culprits at pithe taking and as they climbed the ladder together they were in full throat when !!!!!! The ladder broke !!!!! it buckled  in two and the pair of em were screaming and shouting for me to pull then out of the tangle . When we had got the two of em untangled and found that they were just a little shook up and bruised , I dangled my little trinket in front of em ,danced up and down singing  Winnie the witch .


Still got my gift .

Edited by cuttsie
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