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Why would a 34 year old need a rest after playing ninety mins football with a rest in between , they should try carrying the hod on building site for 44 hours a week or riding over the mountains for 8 hours a day in the Tour de France or maybe 12 rounds in a boxing ring with Clinton Woods . Thats what one calls being knackered .

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Carrying the hod involves climbing a 29 rung ladder with 108 lbs of bricks on ones shoulder , as well as that we have the gob which weighs round 60 lbs a climb, The bricklayers (also knackered after a hard day on the job)  are constantly calling for materials , the trips up the ladder can run into hundreds a day some times 6 days a week with a rest on Sunday .


The Tour de France , Spain and Italy cyclist climbs mountains that stretch into the clouds for 8 hours a day they burn 6 or7 thousand calories and have constantly eat and drink some of em have died in the saddle if not from fatigue then from crashing over mountain edges . Chris Froome has broken 27 different  bones as well as many dislocated shoulder injuries , his Welsh compatriot Gilain Thomas road the whole tour with a dislocated shoulder and fractured wrist last year so as not to let his team down .


Rocky Marciano was a light heavy weight boxer who was the only man ever to be un beaten in the Heavy weight division , He used to get beaten to a pulp in  nearly ever fight but went through the pain , ****e and blood to win , no complaints , no rests , no falling down rubbing his leg as though a bloooody horse had kicked him .


These guys had no muscle rest to fall back on , no hold on a minute while we have rest , They are hard men who no footballer can compare with . 


Ref ,Ref , he's tripped me up , Ref ,Ref he's pulled mi hair what a load of codswallop that is .


PS some of the cyclists are older than Billy Smart , most of the building , steel, and other manual workers have to go on til 65 if they last that long .

Edited by cuttsie
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Nearly forgot nurses , 12 hour shifts like my daughter in law , come home knackered to two kids who then start mythering for snap and attention , my lad digging holes  int middle of road ont water board , cars vans ,trams lorry's flashing by , wet through with sweat or rain , frozen stiff int winter . Ref , Ref he looked at mi funny goes the cry at pro togga games , hard work my arsssse .


Edited by cuttsie
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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Nearly forgot nurses , 12 hour shifts like my daughter in law , come home knackered to two kids who then start mythering for snap and attention , my lad digging holes  int middle of road ont water board , cars vans ,trams lorry's flashing by , wet through with sweat or rain , frozen stiff int winter . Ref , Ref he looked at mi funny goes the cry at pro togga games , hard work my arsssse .


It takes a year to earn what Billy gets a week.

Edited by ukdobby
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10 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Carrying the hod involves climbing a 29 rung ladder with 108 lbs of bricks on ones shoulder , as well as that we have the gob which weighs round 60 lbs a climb, The bricklayers (also knackered after a hard day on the job)  are constantly calling for materials , the trips up the ladder can run into hundreds a day some times 6 days a week with a rest on Sunday .


The Tour de France , Spain and Italy cyclist climbs mountains that stretch into the clouds for 8 hours a day they burn 6 or7 thousand calories and have constantly eat and drink some of em have died in the saddle if not from fatigue then from crashing over mountain edges . Chris Froome has broken 27 different  bones as well as many dislocated shoulder injuries , his Welsh compatriot Gilain Thomas road the whole tour with a dislocated shoulder and fractured wrist last year so as not to let his team down .


Rocky Marciano was a light heavy weight boxer who was the only man ever to be un beaten in the Heavy weight division , He used to get beaten to a pulp in  nearly ever fight but went through the pain , ****e and blood to win , no complaints , no rests , no falling down rubbing his leg as though a bloooody horse had kicked him .


These guys had no muscle rest to fall back on , no hold on a minute while we have rest , They are hard men who no footballer can compare with . 


Ref ,Ref , he's tripped me up , Ref ,Ref he's pulled mi hair what a load of codswallop that is .


PS some of the cyclists are older than Billy Smart , most of the building , steel, and other manual workers have to go on til 65 if they last that long .

“Rocky Marciano” now there’s a hard man best fighter of all time and yes “cuttsie” never moaned just got on with the job in hand.....


These footballers could learn a thing or two from characters like him !!!!.....

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10 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Nearly forgot nurses , 12 hour shifts like my daughter in law , come home knackered to two kids who then start mythering for snap and attention , my lad digging holes  int middle of road ont water board , cars vans ,trams lorry's flashing by , wet through with sweat or rain , frozen stiff int winter . Ref , Ref he looked at mi funny goes the cry at pro togga games , hard work my arsssse .


Love it “cuttsie”......



These footballers live a very charmed life indeed I was staying at a hotel not far from Sheffield and got talking to a Barnsley FC player back in 2018 anyway I asked him how many hours do you train a day he said “2-3 hrs a day” he then stated “he is totally bored” I then said how much are you on “8k a week with the biggest smile on his face” I choked then he said “that’s every week” !!!!....


Absolute p*** takers and then they have the audacity not to produce the goods on the pitch !!!!!.....


I also remember our school teachers telling us back in the 80s you will never make any money out of playing football you would be better off getting a trade oh how the table’s have turned !!!....

Edited by Box11
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6 hours ago, Box11 said:

“Rocky Marciano” now there’s a hard man best fighter of all time and yes “cuttsie” never moaned just got on with the job in hand.....


These footballers could learn a thing or two from characters like him !!!!.....


6 hours ago, Box11 said:

Love it “cuttsie”......



These footballers live a very charmed life indeed I was staying at a hotel not far from Sheffield and got talking to a Barnsley FC player back in 2018 anyway I asked him how many hours do you train a day he said “2-3 hrs a day” he then stated “he is totally bored” I then said how much are you on “8k a week with the biggest smile on his face” I choked then he said “that’s every week” !!!!....


Absolute p*** takers and then they have the audacity not to produce the goods on the pitch !!!!!.....


I also remember our school teachers telling us back in the 80s you will never make any money out of playing football you would be better off getting a trade oh how the table’s have turned !!!....

Bang on , My lot used to get me up int middle of the night ,dragging me down stairs wi no pijarmers on so as I could join the family who sat in a circle around the Pye radio that whistled and screeched .

This ritual was performed every time Rocky Marciano fought , 

I can hear the Yankie commentator now ,, "Rocky is down"    "Rocky is back on his feet"   "He lets a left go "   Now a right"  "Rocky's knocked him out " . 

Owt like those memories stick around until the big sleep comes .

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