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Urgent: Fracking


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16 hours ago, Tony said:

@Carbuncle you stupid boy




Being serious for a moment it's very much a long term issue to be in hock to Russian despots. There's a lot more than a miniscule disruption to the CO2 reduction plan at stake.


Of course, you know this but you prefer to have an internet pishing contest than an honest discussion.

And of course, the impact of fracking is more than a miniscule disruption to CO2 reduction plans. All of which need time and money to investigate and mitigate, some on a site by site basis.


I'm not saying I'm set against it, but it won't be springing up to meet an urgent need for gas. It also won't be in my backyard. Will it be in yours?



Edited by Bargepole23
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Much better to persuade people to turn their thermostats down a couple of degrees and have smaller/fewer baths and showers. Those people who spend the winter in shorts and t-shirts in their overheated homes can put some clothes on and turn the heating down by 5 degrees. 


The urgent thing for the government to do is give out some research grants to develop an electric replacement for combi boilers so that we can transition fully to renewables, as well as expanding our renewable generating capacity.

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20 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

And of course, the impact of fracking is more than a miniscule disruption to CO2 reduction plans. All of which need time and money to investigate and mitigate, some on a site by site basis.


I'm not saying I'm set against it, but it won't be springing up to meet an urgent need for gas. It also won't be in my backyard. Will it be in yours?



Long term fracking certainly has an impact to be avoided, you'll not get me disagreeing with that. My view is that we have a serious problem brewing that we have to make the best of since there isn't a right, or even a good answer. The immediate short term alternatives are few and far between and all include imported fossil fuels or biomass.


Domestic gas fracking can be a relatively immediate, short-term, domestic, cost -effective solution to the energy and geopolitical crisis that Russia is engineering today. And if Russia is engineering a gas crisis just you wait until the Middle East and African oil producers realise that they can restrict supply and whack up their prices too.


Like many of us, I grew up looking at the Smithy Wood coking ovens, hearing Paramores works whistle and the thump of drop hammers through the night. But you are right, it won't be in my back yard now. Industry has to go somewhere and fracking is an industry located by geology like coal, iron and steel. Planning the locations of these facilities makes hypocrites of everyone  but that's not an argument against keeping the lights on. 


People are always telling governments that they should be doing something about all sorts of things. Well, when it comes to energy security this is it, like it or not.

Edited by Tony
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