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R Kelly Found Guilty

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A couple of elements not discussed in these tragic stories.


In this celeb worshipping culture, too many women will jump at a chance to meet their idol backstage. Even in his hotel room. We used to call them "groupies". They can be seen with their "selfies" on social media. 


"Money for nothing and the chicks for free", has long been the anthem of rock stars. Why did they pick up a guitar? These answer is usually a version of 'to get the chicks'.


I remember a Tom Jones concert, where women throwing their underwear on stage was part of his act.


There's hardly a celebrity in entertainment, sport, Media and politics who has not, one time or another been accused of sexual harassment and worse.


There's alway an outpouring of outrage when this stuff comes to light, but very little criticism of the celebrity culture wich promotes and perpetuates this behaviour.


One just has to hope that they don't fall prey to abusers like this one.


"Teach your children well" - Crosby, Stills and Nash  (Hope I got attribution right, LOl)

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