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Sarah Everard.

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I think it should be seriously looked into why these men commit these physical and mental crimes against women. 
1.  Where they physically or mentally abused by their family as children ?

2. Do they come from a family where the parents were drug addicts or alcoholics ? 
Were they bullied themselves at school ?

4. Do they watch a lot of porn ? 

It’s no excuse what they do but there has to be a reason for it.

Edited by pattricia
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1 hour ago, pattricia said:

I think it should be seriously looked into why these men commit these physical and mental crimes against women. 
1.  Where they physically or mentally abused by their family as children ?

2. Do they come from a family where the parents were drug addicts or alcoholics ? 
Were they bullied themselves at school ?

4. Do they watch a lot of porn ? 

It’s no excuse what they do but there has to be a reason for it.

There are thousands who meet this criteria and dont committ crimes.

1 hour ago, West 77 said:

Absolutely correct.  The amount of criticism of the Police is ludicrous. The Police solved this horrendous murder very quickly.  I believe the UK have the best Police service in the world.

Is that a high bar? 

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9 minutes ago, West 77 said:

America is a civilised country and still has the death penalty is some states.  I personally don't believe anyone who commits a brutal crime of this nature deserves to live any longer.

And their murder rate is way higher than ours.


Anyway the piece of **** in question now has a whole life tariff and I hope it's hard. 

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I take a breath and a pause as I have a great respect for life but my view on high security long term prison is to make them all organ donors so good people can live proper lives. We have too many pressures on public money with life  jail a luxury we can no longer afford.

Edited by Findlay
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Playing Devil’s advocate a stay in the death cell followed by a short walk to the long drop doesn’t go close to justice for Sarah.  I know which one I’d choose if I had the option, this piece of human waste will welcome the company of the army of shrinks who will hopefully find something in his sick perverted mind that will help the police to save other Sarah’s from a similar fate. Every day will be the same, he will go over and over the murder of Sarah, with the same conclusion, this being that it will go on until he draws his last breath, and he deserves every day of it.

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