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History Of Sheffield Football Support


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19 minutes ago, Alextopman said:

Spot on, although I didn't enjoy seeing so many strangers pop out of the woodwork for the away games in the premier, those who have vanished again this season.

12 of use went to Bournemouth the premier season we were allowed to attend and only 8 had a ticket.

The same 12 are going Tomorrow and everyone has a ticket.

You'll always get the hardcore supporters and then the glory hunters ......and fair play going to Bournemouth ...it'll seem a longer trip home if you lose though..!

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1 minute ago, Sheridan1-0 said:

You'll always get the hardcore supporters and then the glory hunters ......and fair play going to Bournemouth ...it'll seem a longer trip home if you lose though..!

Staying over and coming home Sunday, £50 minibus, £40 hotel, £30 ticket, there won't be any change out of £250 after this trip.

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I enjoy going to football matches.

I will watch my teams play at both Sheffield grounds.

I have in the past been a regular attender at both grounds.


A football fan turning up at a half full ground on the day at a reasonable price has been made very difficult and is off putting.

Cinemas, theatres, trains, aeroplanes etc. offer advance purchases, off peak tickets etc to entice "maybes" into their empty seats.

At least 50 000 people in Sheffield are football fans of other clubs, who would probably enjoy an odd visit.


Sheffield clubs do not have the luxury of turning away potential fans.

In decades I have never seen a promotional advert for either club that was not directed at the converted. 


Bigger gates equals better atmosphere, equals cheaper tickets for everybody, more money for the outlets.


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Good morning lads and thanks for all those replies


However, none of you have really answered my theory that Wednesday's superior support could be down to the fact that the club had a 22 year start on United.

Does that support for either team go down the generations  i.e. Grandfather, Dad, Son

My paternal grandfather was an OWL presumably because he lived at one time next door to Olive Grove

However my Dad ( his son ) was a Blade, likewise myself and my lads 

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3 hours ago, prince al said:

Something to consider is that Wednesday had several homes, starting at Darnall, Olive Grove Bramall lane. Maybe the historical family ties are a reason for areas having support.

Hi prince al, a good reply, could be quite right about that !

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