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31 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

You don't think any of it is worth the relevant authorities investigating then?

Yes of course the relevant authorities should be and do investigate. That's their job and remit.


However, the earlier poster was asking what I think about X and Y wild speculation and assumptions given without any sort of context, evidence or facts. Therefore, what I think is how the hell should I know nor why would I care.


Come back to me when there is some genuine meritorious grounds for a prosecution and sufficient evidence of broken laws and I may take an interest. Until such time it's nothing more than a load of what ifs, rumours, finger pointing and gossip which quite frankly derives mostly from jealousy driven venom against the the wealthy.

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27 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yes of course the relevant authorities should be and do investigate. That's their job and remit.


However, the earlier poster was asking what I think about X and Y wild speculation and assumptions given without any sort of context, evidence or facts. Therefore, what I think is how the hell should I know nor why would I care.


Come back to me when there is some genuine meritorious grounds for a prosecution and sufficient evidence of broken laws and I may take an interest. Until such time it's nothing more than a load of what ifs, rumours, finger pointing and gossip which quite frankly derives mostly from jealousy driven venom against the the wealthy.

I can't do that because I'm not a policeman, lawyer or accountant with access to their accounts. Equally I couldn't say for certain a house down the road might have drug dealers in because of odd activity at odd hours.  I could raise my suspicions to the police. Should I expect them to act or should I wait until I see a big parcel marked "drugs" being delivered before giving them a ring?


But they might choose not to. It's not like the police let crimes- big and small -slide.


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Oooh, the facts are inconvenient, best for those within the neoliberal thought collective and their self-selecting cheerleaders to quietly ignore summaries that expose their project. They simply parrot what they want us to believe and hope that we fall for their deceit. They would like us to believe that tax abuse is quite natural (whilst making sure that the little people pay their tax, of course). The reality is that the process used by the wealthy and businesses is to capture government, then revise legislation in favour of wealth, which allows the claim that they are not breaking any laws.


A basic outline of neoliberal doctrine would highlight hostility to taxation, resentment at the very existence of a public sector - which they wish abolished (with any potentially profitable services being privatised), and deregulation (i.e. eliminating laws).


Well, here are each of these features manifest in ECCOnoob's claim that no laws are broken in tax abuse. George Osborne hollowed out HMRC (effective deregulation by sacking the regulators), from which there were thousands of redundancies (public sector cuts). Then private sector staff were seconded from the very City accountancy firms that have been and continue to game the tax system (privatisation). These personnel, remunerated by the taxpayer (that's us little people) then wrote tax law, complete with carefully crafted loopholes which, upon returning to their employers, they exploit (tax abuse).

Tory (i.e. neoliberal) policy was and remains cheating the system in the interests of wealth and privilege.


For more on this theme see:



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1 hour ago, Staunton said:

Oooh, the facts are inconvenient, best for those within the neoliberal thought collective and their self-selecting cheerleaders to quietly ignore summaries that expose their project. They simply parrot what they want us to believe and hope that we fall for their deceit. They would like us to believe that tax abuse is quite natural (whilst making sure that the little people pay their tax, of course). The reality is that the process used by the wealthy and businesses is to capture government, then revise legislation in favour of wealth, which allows the claim that they are not breaking any laws.


A basic outline of neoliberal doctrine would highlight hostility to taxation, resentment at the very existence of a public sector - which they wish abolished (with any potentially profitable services being privatised), and deregulation (i.e. eliminating laws).


Well, here are each of these features manifest in ECCOnoob's claim that no laws are broken in tax abuse. George Osborne hollowed out HMRC (effective deregulation by sacking the regulators), from which there were thousands of redundancies (public sector cuts). Then private sector staff were seconded from the very City accountancy firms that have been and continue to game the tax system (privatisation). These personnel, remunerated by the taxpayer (that's us little people) then wrote tax law, complete with carefully crafted loopholes which, upon returning to their employers, they exploit (tax abuse).

Tory (i.e. neoliberal) policy was and remains cheating the system in the interests of wealth and privilege.


For more on this theme see:



Nurse...  Nurse.... someone has allowed them internet access again.   Come quick get them another tin foil hat.


Christ if I had a pound for every time someone desperately brings up the word neoliberal to try to further their pointless argument I could have retired long ago.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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12 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Nurse...  Nurse.... someone has allowed them internet access again.   Come quick get them another tin foil hat.


Christ if I had a pound for every time someone desperately brings up the word neoliberal to try to further their pointless argument I could have retired long ago.


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It is essential to notice that the facts my point exposes cannot be argued away or dismissed. Therefore the strategy adopted by those who prefer us ordinary people to remain ignorant of the scandal of tax abuse is to mock in the hope of distracting from the issue. It's a routine device.


Tax abuse is cheating the system. The claim that no laws are broken by people or businesses avoiding tax is hollow. The facts are that governments acting in the interests of wealth and privilege dismantle progressive tax legislation and seed loopholes that facilitate tax abuse.

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7 hours ago, Tony said:

Around 35% of people pay no income tax at all.

Around 1% of people pay 35% of all income tax.


Is that fair?

If someone pays a great deal of tax it's because they have a great deal of money, probably more than the average man in the street can even imagine. If they want to pay less tax, let them feel free to swap places with the ordinary man in the street any time.  

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...and that outline of neoliberal doctrine which highlights hostility to taxation, resentment at the very existence of a public sector (the constant target for abolition, with potentially profitable services being handed over to the private sector of course), and deregulation reveals another tory lie.


When George Osborne hollowed out HMRC he did so for stated reasons of austerity. Therefore when he subsequently spent huge sums of taxpayers' money to second private sector personnel from his friends, the big City accountancy firms, his action exposed the fact that austerity was a deceit, an ideologically motivated attack on the public sector based a bogus premise - it was tax abuse that drained the treasury of revenue, not police officers, library assistants, local authority staff or tax officials.

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I agree. This government won't rest until everything we've got is privatised and run simply for profit. 

A government that knows the price of everything but the value of nothing...


Yet the government are being asked to support gas dependent industry, but they won't support the poorest people in this country who are threatened with homelessness and heat or eat. 


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