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Saudi Royals Take Over Newcastle United

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Once Again this Country and its Royal Owners are seeking to get a further toe hold into our national sport ' 

Saudi's treatment of its neighbours in the middle East ,  Its violation of the human rights code of conduct , its murder of its citizens  who criticise the regime mean nothing to the football league who verify these take overs of our historic clubs .

So along with horse racing , London property and infrastructure they continue to reach into all corners of our Country most treasured establishments, inc the Real family who seem to take great pride in being seen with these International tyrants .

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The thing is football is now a money laundering scam for owners from America , Russia and Saudi , they buy clubs just to appear legit and gain massive foot hold in the UK , The Government seem to be compliant with these International gangsters , who rob their own Countries of resources then stash the money in the UK property and sporting out lets .

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Once Again this Country and its Royal Owners are seeking to get a further toe hold into our national sport ' 

Saudi's treatment of its neighbours in the middle East ,  Its violation of the human rights code of conduct , its murder of its citizens  who criticise the regime mean nothing to the football league who verify these take overs of our historic clubs .

So along with horse racing , London property and infrastructure they continue to reach into all corners of our Country most treasured establishments, inc the Real family who seem to take great pride in being seen with these International tyrants .

You say Saudi treats its neighbours bad? 

We invaded Iraq on a lie, killed loads of its people, ruined its infrastructure etc. 

This country hardly has clean hands when it comes to mistreating others. 

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10 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

You say Saudi treats its neighbours bad? 

We invaded Iraq on a lie, killed loads of its people, ruined its infrastructure etc. 

This country hardly has clean hands when it comes to mistreating others. 

And your point is 

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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

So along with horse racing , London property and infrastructure they continue to reach into all corners of our Country most treasured establishments, inc the Real family who seem to take great pride in being seen with these International tyrants .

Money is international, can we stop money flowing over borders? Peoples pensions, as is mine, is invested internationally.

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Perhaps the rejoicing NUFC fans could pause for a moment and ask themselves where the club would be now without Ashley having tipped in millions to buy the club and more millions to keep it in the PL and improve the stadium. 

I am not a fan of his business model at Sports Direct, but the Magpies would be in Division One without his largesse.


All the Gulf states have feudal governance and justice systems, so the Etihad and Emirates of the Premier League are entitled to the same scrutiny the baying know-alls are now demanding for this takeover. Why their sudden interest in football - the despot of Dubai seems a nasty piece of work, why not lie down in front of his horse at Ascot....?


Perhaps if one were to shine a bright light into the dark corners of other PL teams, owned by Russian oligarchs, American hedge fund shufflers, and murky offshore 'wealth' conglomerates, etc., then the whole edifice would be found wanting. They all invest because it's where the money is.......

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