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The attitudes of British muslims and non-muslims toward each other

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doesn't say who was asked in the poll because I recall another similar poll which showed the uk to be the most Islamaphobic country in Europe. One shouldn't really go on polls as they ask a tiny minority of participants.


i haven't really met many europeans who have come across racist or islamaphobic including the british born ones but thats probabaly because they themselves feel like a minority in Britain. Then again vast majority of europeans I have come across in the uk have slagged of the english to me. A friend of mine lives in Spain and says it is less racist and Islamaphobic towards Muslims from Asian backgrounds. Other Pakistani Muslims who have lived there have told me they were often mistaken for Spanish and when they said they were Pakistani the reaction was not in the slightest bit negative.


I have some relatives in France and got talking to a French Pakistani who's been very suiccessful in France and he said Asians aren't hated in France like they are in the uk. I have morrocon and algerian friends from France and one Turkish guy from Germany told me Germans are good people but the uk is quite racist. An eyptian once told me the Spanish hate the Muslims and they are the worst. I do not really know what the truth is but I think the uks muslim community is probably the most politically active of all, which is a good thing. Overall England has become a reasonably tolerant society but a minority of extremists on both sides are trying to ruin things and stir up religious tension.

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Talking of ressurection and the problem that little nugget has caused the Abrahamic faiths, there is a Grauniad article here about how non-muslims perceive muslims. It ain't good.


I think this is to do with negative portrayal of Islam and Muslims in the mainstream media which is controlled by pro Israeli zionists this is why you never hear Jewsih settlers being refffered to as Jewish extremists even though they live in settlements build over other peoples demolished homes because they belive God promised the land to them. That;s why you never hear about Israels nuclear weapons but always hear about Irans even though the IAEA have found no evidence of Iran trying to aquire nuclear weapons. Its also why Pakistan is always linked with terrorism but the 300 + terrorist groups are almost unknown to the western public. I think after years of this media brain washing its only natural ppl are going to see Islam and Muslims negatively. Channels like the Iranian owned press tv and Arab owned Al Jazeera are doing something about this but most Islamaphobs do not watch those channels anyway.

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You're talking in riddles, what is the score? I'm guessing you're not talking about a home draw?


No draws, it's going to be one or the other, when's it going to start and what will be the outcome?

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