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The attitudes of British muslims and non-muslims toward each other

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Did you know Pakistan was one of the many countries that provided aid to the US following Hurricane Katrina?
Whose money did they use for that then, sir? Just giving the States own grant aid back to them? :suspect:



Because you want them to like you and forget about all the mayhem and deaths caused by your actions.
lol I don't care whether they like me or not. And I don't agree with your second comment either.
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Did the survey ask about their knowledge of American culture or did it ask about what effect on people's lives these three entities have had in Pakistan? I would have thought the Pakistanis were speaking frm their experience of Americans coming over to the region and now a mention of some 26000 Pakistanis been killed due to the spill over of the invasion of Afghanistan. No amount of money would bribe those who have lost loved ones sir. Opinions do change and over time these will too but at the moment the Americans haven't done anything in the region to expect praise for.
I wonder how much of these 26,000 Pakistani deaths, most of which of the Pakistani government's own making via its ISI (for political reasons involving mostly rivalry with India) between 2001 and 2009, have been put on the back of the US/Coalition in Pakistan's media?


For anyone interested, the dots you want to connect are the recent Wikileaks publications, Pakistan's ISI (and Hamid Gul) activities in the Swat valley between 2001 and 2009 (in the context of India's numerous reconstruction efforts and financial support in Afghanistan, much displeasing to Pakistan), and accessorily mollah Fazlullah aka "Radio Mullah" (among others).


...but let's not have some inconvenient truths get in the way of a good old-fashioned SF forum brawl, eh?

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...ETA: lol I don't care whether they like me or not. And I don't agree with your second comment either.




You don't but the british and american governments do!


if you dont agree why do you thinki they are giving aid to these countries?

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I wonder how much of these 26,000 Pakistani deaths, most of which of the Pakistani government's own making via its ISI (for political reasons involving mostly rivalry with India) between 2001 and 2009, have been put on the back of the US/Coalition in Pakistan's media?


For anyone interested, the dots you want to connect are the recent Wikileaks publications, Pakistan's ISI (and Hamid Gul) activities in the Swat valley between 2001 and 2009 (in the context of India's numerous reconstruction efforts and financial support in Afghanistan, much displeasing to Pakistan), and accessorily mollah Fazlullah aka "Radio Mullah" (among others).


...but let's not have some inconvenient truths get in the way of a good old-fashioned SF forum brawl, eh?

You have managed to conveniently personify Pakistan as being displeased. Is this in any way a an attempt to ignore the problems and shirk responsibility of death and destruction caused due directly to the Afghan invasion?


The wikileaks paints a much bigger picture of hiding of the facts by the Americans from their own populace, a democratically elected administration engaged in deception of the very people who elected it. You are right there is much wrong with Pakistan, Afghanistan and the USA. Power corrupts and absolute power.....etc.

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Whose money did they use for that then, sir? Just giving the States own grant aid back to them? :suspect:


I've no idea, but either way they were under no compunction to give anything...I think the surprise is that they gave anything at all, and how it was never widely reported.

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Whose money did they use for that then, sir? Just giving the States own grant aid back to them? :suspect:


ETA: lol I don't care whether they like me or not. And I don't agree with your second comment either.


What's with the 'sir'?


Lame or what.

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...he's being properly respectful for a change Halibut, either that or he has Huzoor's disease ;)
Me pwned! ;)


Re the flood money, you're right, they weren't. But there again nor was any other country, but they all did. I just find it weird that countries that we see as desperately needing foreign aid can afford to give it back to the country that gave it to them in the first place.! Did they send us anything for our floods that wasn't publicised either?:D

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You have managed to conveniently personify Pakistan as being displeased.
Alright then, displeasing the Pakistani governement, likewise democratically elected. Is that better?

Is this in any way a an attempt to ignore the problems and shirk responsibility of death and destruction caused due directly to the Afghan invasion?
Not at all. It's generally known as calling a spade, a spade. In other words, to consider that the picture is -as usual- many shades of grey rather than the black (US) and whiter-than-white (Pakistan) some would have us believe.


In the "blame" game, everybody loses, including Pakistan and Afghanistan. You'll have to excuse my Cartesian mind from following the issue back to its logical root, namely the lackadaisical approach of Afghanistan (and Pakistan, to a lesser extent), as a Nation State, to the integrist terrorists it harbored at very much the wrong time: to coin a well-known metaphor, if you're going to kick a tiger in the nuts, you'd better have a plan to deal with the teeth.

The wikileaks paints a much bigger picture of hiding of the facts by the Americans from their own populace, a democratically elected administration engaged in deception of the very people who elected it.
I think that argument is pretty much redundant, in view of the above. The democratically-elected government of Pakistan wasn't exactly forthcoming with its own populace about what was happening in the Swat valley between 2001 and 2009, was it? That is, until the scale of the "refugee problem" couldn't be hidden away anymore.


You will find that, throughout History (with a big H), governments of any ilk, persuasion or place have rarely, if at all, laid bare all the nitty-gritty of strategic/tactical/combat operations for all to see during times of war. After all, the Talibans aren't exactly making the media awash with details of their own strategic/tactical/combat operations, are they?

You are right there is much wrong with Pakistan, Afghanistan and the USA.
That I agree with. But apparently not for reasons we will ever share, unfortunately.
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Me pwned! ;)


Re the flood money, you're right, they weren't. But there again nor was any other country, but they all did. I just find it weird that countries that we see as desperately needing foreign aid can afford to give it back to the country that gave it to them in the first place.! Did they send us anything for our floods that wasn't publicised either?:D


I don't disagree, but it seems they're damned if they do, and damned if they dont!


I guess we didn't receive much in foreign aid for the flooding because it didn't have quite the same consequences as those in Pakistan or New Orleans.


If Sheffield were overwhelmed by flooding, and thousands were dying, I'd hope we'd also be the beneficiaries of foreign assistance :)

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