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The attitudes of British muslims and non-muslims toward each other

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Fareast - interesting post, and I would agree with much of what you say.


One thing that's struck me about teh group of people I eat with is that, as far as I know, they were all born here in teh UK or have been here for a very long time. I have to say 'as far as I know', because it's never really concerned me enough to find out.


As well as socio-economic breakdown, it would be interesting to see if the statistics reflect differences in attitudes based on how long the people have been here - for example, were people 'born and raised' her different in their outlooks to people who came to the UK as adults? Is there a difference for people who came here as adults between recent arrivals and people who've been here for years?


Taking things further - breakdown between Shia and Sunni?

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Hardly. The new leader of the Muslim Council of Britain stated explicitly in an interview a couple of weeks ago that what they were ultimately aiming for was the islamification of British society. Their previous leader, when asked what single thing he would remove/reverse in British culture replied 'women's rights'. This group is viewed as moderate and mainstream and is frequently consultated by the government.

Hi purdyamos, My beliefs will probably upset most people as I am an atheist and when I stated earlier that people clutched at straws I would include religion as one of them. The preachers, vicars, priests, call them what you will, simply brainwash people who are subject to believe anything that they think will improve their life. (Similar to the wanna-bees who listen to the propaganda spewed from our media.) When some people`s lives are a mess and they cannot cope, they thrash around for a solution, i.e drugs, drink, religion as a way to escape and the "leaders" use that to fulfill their own childish power lusts. They just want to be powerful, like little Adolf!:mad:

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In the area I live, and work in I meet many people from many different faiths,

most muslims I know say that the attitude in Pakistan is far more laid back than in England.

It seems that the people in charge of the Mosques are a lot more stringent here than over there for some reason.

Could this be that we are seen to be 'on the front line' as it were?

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It seems that the people in charge of the Mosques are a lot more stringent here than over there for some reason.
Could this be because people like me do not need a religion to enhance their lives. I have achieved what I want and need without recourse to a "deity". This "Godless" society, as we have supposedly become, has achieved a reasonable lifestyle without the use of prayer, hardly an example to devout believers who never seem to be off their knees, yet have very little. It goes completely against all the rhetoric given by the religious leaders. If religion is your thing, good for you as long as no one tries to convert me I am happy. I do not hate religious groups of any faith, even though it flies in the face of my beliefs, nor do I try to convert others to my so called "empty existence" as I have heard it called.
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Sweetcheeks, do not misunderstand me I agree with you.

I was saying what the godbotherers amongst us say (or should that be allah botherers) :D

In any case, as I have said before, why should the Crearor of the Universe be bothred with a few bits of joined up germs on this planet.

The absolute egotistical arrongance of religeous people astounds me, they think that God is remotely interested in them.

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Just for the heck of it, I would love to know how many Al Queda sleepers there are that have jobs just lurking all the Forums, I would guess around 12 per Forum, taking shifts of course, but thats just a guess!

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Hi artisan. I wasn`t arguing or anything, I was trying to put my point across as to why this country appears to be a target from afar. I just hope that people wake up and see that each individual`s life is, for most part, their own, not mapped-out! I try never to argue with anyone, least of all Forumites, especially when I never win one.:cry:

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joe,it sounds like you have amassed a few good mates at your multicultural curry nights,but i wouldnt think its the answer to multiculturism as a whole,the difference bieng youre among friends that like and respect each other for who they are,it wouldnt work for example if it was open to the members of the public,who had never met, its a sad fact that multiculturism will never work,as there will always be one person that will dissagree with another, if its not about the menu,it would be about something else,usually religion, or politics

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joe,it sounds like you have amassed a few good mates at your multicultural curry nights,but i wouldnt think its the answer to multiculturism as a whole,the difference bieng youre among friends that like and respect each other for who they are,it wouldnt work for example if it was open to the members of the public,who had never met, its a sad fact that multiculturism will never work,as there will always be one person that will dissagree with another, if its not about the menu,it would be about something else,usually religion, or politics

yeah but how do friends become friends, your not born friends, you have to work at it with strangers until you bond

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