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The Price Of Coal.

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The current fuel situation with gas and electricity prices sky rocketing and causing firms to go broke seems to be partly due to depending on foreign supplies , Russia , France etc can hold a gun to our head by disrupting supplies or even stopping them .


So are we now suffering from closing our pits , I know its a good thing to have  much cleaner air to breath along with a cleaner environment , but I seem to remember we had smokeless fuel coke etc that fired our steel furnaces as well as our homes and work places , 

so is the current crisis where our fuel cost are rising beyond belief due to abandoning our most abundant natural resources .

By the way I am all for the clean air we now have , but as stated there was the smoke less fuels that derived from coal .

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2 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

How abundant is it? How much do coal fired power stations cost?

When the pits were being closed under Thatcher one of the arguments trotted out was that there was hundreds of years worth of coal still in the ground. My prejudice is that this is right but I don't have a link for you.

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1 hour ago, gluedtopc said:

Is fracking still viable in the USA?


When oil and gas prices collapsed at the beginning of the Pandemic, due to lack of demand, fracking in the USA was suffering..

I would imagine that now the industry is booming.

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1 hour ago, Carbuncle said:

When the pits were being closed under Thatcher one of the arguments trotted out was that there was hundreds of years worth of coal still in the ground. My prejudice is that this is right but I don't have a link for you.

The coal was there, but the cost of extraction was far too high.

Vast majority of pits were not financially viable as they were, and many needed lots more spent on upgrades to continue further production.


In the face of cheap imported coal there just wasn't a case for keeping so many open.

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2 hours ago, geared said:

The coal was there, but the cost of extraction was far too high.

Vast majority of pits were not financially viable as they were, and many needed lots more spent on upgrades to continue further production.


In the face of cheap imported coal there just wasn't a case for keeping so many open.

Except that the cost of importing coal now far outstrips the cost of digging our own.  


And Drax power station in north Yorkshire went green by turning away from coal power to using 'sustainable' fuel, ie. wood pellets. This at great expense to the economy and jobs. 

Now it seems that the wood pellets emit far more co2 than the coal did, it is not a 'sustainable source in that it takes minutes to burn and 40 years to grow, and then has to be shipped all the way from South  America.


Do these highly paid advisors and think tanks make it up on the back of a fag packet? 



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