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The Price Of Coal.

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The government has screwed up big time,France reliant on gas is tiny,they have around 80% nuclear power,Germany use coal a lot more than us so less gas,we have sold the country down the swanny with reliant on gas,where have all the green energy protesters gone because it doesn't create enough.

Edited by ukdobby
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On 11/10/2021 at 16:46, bassett one said:

maggie got it right close all the pits ,and now she will left a message somewhere saying get digging the coal,i told you it was a good idea to save it,the countrys now used everyone elses and now,we can use our own ,IF WE USE OUR COMMON SENSE,LOVE MAGGIE T.

Pure comedy... Was this wrote from a right to buy home in Lowedges?! Excuse my sarcasm 😂


14 hours ago, ukdobby said:

The government has screwed up big time,France reliant on gas is tiny,they have around 80% nuclear power,Germany use coal a lot more than us so less gas,we have sold the country down the swanny with reliant on gas,where have all the green energy protesters gone because it doesn't create enough.

Nuclear looks like both major parties routes to topping "sustainable" and "greener" energy via smaller reactors.

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Price of coal to my family from a mining village.


Both grandfathers dead before reaching pensionable age.


All three uncles who worked 20+ years underground dead before reaching pensionable age - my dad and one of his brothers who got out of the pit in their 20's lived into their 80's. 


3 uncles who never worked in the pit - one lived into their 70's, two lived into their 80's.


None of my generation went down the pit.


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