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International Day For The Eradication Of Poverty

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14 hours ago, Anna B said:

You may be right, but it is actually now in everyone's interest to even things up, especially with regards to climate change. Maybe that is the catalyst that will finally get everybody working together even if it starts out of pure self-interest. 

Remember the Western modernised countries are the one's most responsible for pollution and carbon emmisions, they have by far the largest carbon footprint, so they are the one's who have to make the most change. And we have to support third world countries to be able to follow suit.

The irony is that there is enough for all and no need to fight over scraps. The world is becoming more aware of this and has to do something about it. Rampant Consumerism and Capitalism will have to become a thing of the past. We can't continue with none stop growth on a finite planet with finite resources. That would be suicide.

You are right... We are committing suicide...

But unfortunately the future of this planet is plain to see, there are too many arrogant, selfish, uncaring and blind people in power and business that only think about themselves.

Even millions of the general public don't care and unless you have the support from every single person on the planet it would be more or less impossible to stop climate change.



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On 01/11/2021 at 08:39, alandrea0 said:

You are right... We are committing suicide...

But unfortunately the future of this planet is plain to see, there are too many arrogant, selfish, uncaring and blind people in power and business that only think about themselves.

Even millions of the general public don't care and unless you have the support from every single person on the planet it would be more or less impossible to stop climate change.



Well let's see what Cop 26 comes up with.


I'm hoping we will be able to move forward for the benefit of the planet, and therefore everyone.

It's not going to be painless, and it's not going to be cheap, and we have more to lose than most, but the sooner people accept that we have to change, the better.    

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