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Clapped Out: Is The Nhs Broken?

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3 hours ago, Resident said:

Well obviously not, which is why the government was forced to introduce austerity measures in order to stave off a bankruptcy. 


I didnt reallise that is why we had austerity, I thought it was brought in to eliminate budget deficits that ballooned to unsustainable levels in the aftermath of the financial crisis?

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1 hour ago, ab6262 said:

eh ? make some sense man?, what takes? i know its sunday you have had a few shandies and the footballs on !

You don't understand how much he NHS had its budget cut - particularly under Osborne , you don't understand how many of these immigrants you hate work for the NHS. You don't acknowledge how far we lag behind other countries in terms of hospital beds and doctors per head of population.


And you don't even understand how kinnock wasn't prime minister and couldn't effect the NHS or anything else one bit - socialist or not.



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58 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

You don't understand how much he NHS had its budget cut - particularly under Osborne , you don't understand how many of these immigrants you hate work for the NHS. You don't acknowledge how far we lag behind other countries in terms of hospital beds and doctors per head of population.


And you don't even understand how kinnock wasn't prime minister and couldn't effect the NHS or anything else one bit - socialist or not.




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56 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

You don't understand how much he NHS had its budget cut - particularly under Osborne , you don't understand how many of these immigrants you hate work for the NHS. You don't acknowledge how far we lag behind other countries in terms of hospital beds and doctors per head of population.


And you don't even understand how kinnock wasn't prime minister and couldn't effect the NHS or anything else one bit - socialist or not.



oh i understand it, yes i meant Callaghan and Brown not Kinnock although he made so much noise anyone would think he had been PM.

the NHS has to have its budget cut as it wastes too much with area managers and other pen pushers with diversity posts etc etc etc etc etc it need troops on the ground, i have seen the waste first hand! i certainly dont hate the immigrants that come to work here and in the NHS they are a tiny percentage of the other wasters that crawl to these shores!

on our day we have the best free (that's why we are overrun) medical and health service in the world and if you want to improve the ratio per head you better be prepared to pay for it through insurance or private healthcare??

3 minutes ago, Anna B said:


ha ha you have no idea you are an idealist and it doesnt work!

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2 hours ago, ab6262 said:

oh i understand it, yes i meant Callaghan and Brown not Kinnock although he made so much noise anyone would think he had been PM.

the NHS has to have its budget cut as it wastes too much with area managers and other pen pushers with diversity posts etc etc etc etc etc it need troops on the ground, i have seen the waste first hand! i certainly dont hate the immigrants that come to work here and in the NHS they are a tiny percentage of the other wasters that crawl to these shores!

on our day we have the best free (that's why we are overrun) medical and health service in the world and if you want to improve the ratio per head you better be prepared to pay for it through insurance or private healthcare??


Strange - I'm sure I  paid towards dental care, glasses & prescriptions when I lived in the UK up until 3 years ago. Here in France they're covered by my insurance.


And why do far more immigrants go to Germany and France if it's free health care they're after?

Edited by Longcol
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On 24/10/2021 at 19:34, ab6262 said:

oh i understand it, yes i meant Callaghan and Brown not Kinnock although he made so much noise anyone would think he had been PM.

the NHS has to have its budget cut as it wastes too much with area managers and other pen pushers with diversity posts etc etc etc etc etc it need troops on the ground, i have seen the waste first hand! i certainly dont hate the immigrants that come to work here and in the NHS they are a tiny percentage of the other wasters that crawl to these shores!

on our day we have the best free (that's why we are overrun) medical and health service in the world and if you want to improve the ratio per head you better be prepared to pay for it through insurance or private healthcare??

ha ha you have no idea you are an idealist and it doesnt work!

I have been involved in the NHS as both a patient and carer of patients, and can assure you I see mistakes happening every day. And most of them are very basic but key. Take nutrition. They need to realise for example that setting a meal before a patient is not the same as making sure they eat it. The meal is usually delivered by orderlies, and then taken away uneaten by orderlies, who do not record or monitor food intake. Yes it's supposed to be monitored by nurses, but it usually isn't, and certainly not accurately. You can ask the simple question, 'was a meal was eaten?' and get completely different replies from different people. This goes on day after day. Hydration has the same problem.


Food and drink, cleanliness and reasonable comfort are old fashioned basics, and not too much to ask surely? It seems so. Too much time and emphasis is spent on fancy technology, compartmentalising the patient instead of treating them holistically. No longer the charts at the bottom of the bed that take seconds to fill in, and available to all, but now entered into time consuming and  faulty computers, shrouded in mystery and confidentiality. This is not medicine, it's data gathering, and is is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.  


Great store is put by changing PPI between patients etc, but at the same time what would you say to cleaning fluid being left on a table beside an active but very confused patient? Medicines, scissors and and hyperdermics also?


Communication is key, but in spite of endless notes and protocols, messages do not get through. Relatives who know the patient best, are routinely ignored again and again. What's the point of copious notes if no one ever reads them, or misses the most salient points because of the sheer size of them has it buried on page 6?

Edited by Anna B
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