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Glasgow Cop. Climate Change Conference 2021

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11 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Well I have been watching the good and great spouting in Glasgow , private jets , limo cars, big dinner parties .

We all know that it is a load of hot air (pun) to be honest and that they are talking about fazing out the most polluting stuff not tomorrow ,not next year but in forty or fifty years by which time we will all be fried to a chip or drowned in a flood .


The main thing that I have noticed among all the rigmarole is that it will still be the poor that suffer the biggest consequences of all this ,  Many African Countries still  do not have running or clean water despite all the millions donated by charities inc save the children's fund etc,  The poor in India are still as stifling poor as they were last year despite the millions in grants that are pumped into it by the West,    that  Country is also a nuclear power with a vast army and has a space programme costing billions .


On the home front it has been stated that after 2030 no petrol or diesel cars will be manufactured  and any one still driving one will be taxed out of existence  , the aim of this is to force us all to buy the new electric powered vehicles , (where does the electric come from one wonders )  , What the experts up in Glasgow do not explain is how will the ordinary citizen who drives a old banger or pre used vehicle afford these new electric cars with prices around £30.000 at todays prices ,  the mind boggles ,     what they will cost in 2030 ish , so once again its the poor people who will suffer , the ones who today struggle to keep vehicle on the road so as to work out of town etc , or live in a rural area where  a car is a must due to no reliable local transport .


So in conclusion no change the haves will just go on as usual , and the have nots will have even less .

I fear you are right.


Yet any meaningful change requires a massive recalibrating of consumerist Capitalism and the world of free market economics.

High levels of compromise and co operation are required, not the current cut throat competition and 'winner takes all' mentallity of Neoliberalism.


If the Haves refuse to recognise that fact, (and Cop 26 suggests they are willfully oblivious) then the 99% are in for a very hard time indeed.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

I fear you are right.


Yet any meaningful change requires a massive recalibrating of consumerist Capitalism and the world of free market economics.

High levels of compromise and co operation are required, not the current cut throat competition and 'winner takes all' mentallity of Neoliberalism.


If the Haves refuse to recognise that fact, (and Cop 26 suggests they are willfully oblivious) then the 99% are in for a very hard time indeed.

It would also require a massive elite bureaucracy to "calibrate" what each and every individual can and cannot buy, what each seller can or cannot produce, what each is allowed to earn, and what each must give to these "elite calibrators", who are exempt from the restrictions they impose on their serfs.


The only way for that to "work" is totalitarian communism.


Run by the very same elite 1%, of course. with the 99% forced by law to conform.


No thanks, Anna. :)



Edited by trastrick
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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

It would also require a massive elite bureaucracy to "calibrate" what each and every individual can and cannot buy, what each seller can or cannot produce, what each is allowed to earn, and what each must give to these "elite calibrators", who are exempt from the restrictions they impose on their serfs.


The only way for that to "work" is totalitarian communism.


Run by the very same elite 1%, of course. with the 99% forced by law to conform.


No thanks, Anna. :)



Not necessarily so. It's time for some 'outside the box' thinking.

Does anyone really think the world is working as it is?

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23 hours ago, cuttsie said:



On the home front it has been stated that after 2030 no petrol or diesel cars will be manufactured  and any one still driving one will be taxed out of existence  , the aim of this is to force us all to buy the new electric powered vehicles , (where does the electric come from one wonders )  , What the experts up in Glasgow do not explain is how will the ordinary citizen who drives a old banger or pre used vehicle afford these new electric cars with prices around £30.000 at todays prices ,  the mind boggles ,     what they will cost in 2030 ish , so once again its the poor people who will suffer , the ones who today struggle to keep vehicle on the road so as to work out of town etc , or live in a rural area where  a car is a must due to no reliable local transport .


So in conclusion no change the haves will just go on as usual , and the have nots will have even less .

But what is best- a world where the poor all have cars, that is dying due to irreversible climate destruction that will result in the certain death of most of the human population; or, a world with very few cars that only the elite can afford, with a consequent much lower level of polution and a much better chance of avoiding certain destruction?


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5 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

But what is best- a world where the poor all have cars, that is dying due to irreversible climate destruction that will result in the certain death of most of the human population; or, a world with very few cars that only the elite can afford, with a consequent much lower level of polution and a much better chance of avoiding certain destruction?


lets just get on our bikes , you know it makes sense.


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1 minute ago, onewheeldave said:

I know it makes sense- given the current impending crisis it is nothing but insanity that cycling isn't classed as the highest priority form of transport.... but the human race isn't known for it's sanity.....

Have you ever had kids? Or a family member with a physical disability?

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13 hours ago, Anna B said:

Not necessarily so. It's time for some 'outside the box' thinking.

Does anyone really think the world is working as it is?

Yes Anna, lots of people.


"You’d be forgiven for thinking the world is all doom and gloom – and getting worse. But these seven charts show that’s not actually the case".


"23 charts and maps that show the world is getting much, much better"


"20 Ways the World Got Better in 2019, in Charts"


Don't project your own personal dissatisfaction with life, to the World at large. Have some perspective.


Civilization is a work in progress.

So, don't run with radical chicken littles and lemmings, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. You may find you are out of the frying pan, and into the fire.


You can find fullfilment and happiness in your community, your family, your friends, your lovers. Don't look to government run your life for you. More importantly, don't insist the government run other people's lives. Governments consist of folks who are just flawed human beings, and are often corrupt. 


Make sure you can vote them out - often!







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11 hours ago, cuttsie said:

lets just get on our bikes , you know it makes sense.


I have this vision of Cuttsie, with his toolbox on his back, on his way to the next building job.


Trying to pedal up Prince of Wales Road, in the middle of winter in a snowstorm on an icy pavement.  :)


Let's be honest, Cuttsie, you and me don't NEED a car these days.

Edited by trastrick
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