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Glasgow Cop. Climate Change Conference 2021

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20 hours ago, Anna B said:

Thanks for that Trastrick.


I so agree with the bit I've highlighted. So true. 


But I'm not about to let this disastrous government off the hook. I object to things like my taxes being wasted, there being one law for them and another one for everyone else, and there's lots that needs to be done that only governments can do - but this lot just aren't doing it.


Nevertheless it's good to be reminded that compared to some people, most of us have it easy.


It's good to care, Anna.


I've seen political corruption on 3 Continents. It's a given, "Power corrupts, and absolute power ......"


I'm afraid we are stuck with it. Pointing it out where and when  we see it is good.


The folks in my adopted country, have a pragmatic, common sense  way of dealing with it that I admire.


They know somebody has to be in charge. They assume, or know that their politicians are corrupt.  The country is considered a waypoint for drugs from South America to the North,  Mexico, U.S. and Canada.


Most of this traffic is entirely over the heads of the population who's illicit drug use is at the low end of the scale. Marijuana is illegal, but toursists won't go to jail for smoking a joint. Maybe another sign of the generally happy population I have found.


The government provides little in the way of welfare, and most of the population have little or no interaction with their government. They have a deal with the devil. They are free to run their own lives in a lassais faire economy, can start any business there is a need for, a restaurant a taxi, a street market, food selling, clothing and the like. It's buyer beware but uncrupulous ones are quickly sorted out. But their response to COVID was laudible. We got our free shots of Pfizer as early as most and have a larger vacced population that the U.S. or Canada.


Recycling is big here, and most come from rural backgrounds so there's a strong connection to the earth, and a respect for its ability to provide .


There's military and police presence to keep order, but only the bad guys have to worry about them.


If a politician looks like he's getting overly rich, or if  the government in any way curtails their freedom in any way, they'll organize a march to get them out at the next election.


A simple life, but it works. And there's more smiles and music on the streets and genuine helpfulness, than anywhere else I have lived. On top of that it has the best beaches and rain forests.


I'd love to think that before a politician can run for National office he/she should be forced to travel the world on a limited budget, to see how the World really works, and what people really want. But that's an impossible dream, i know.


In the meantime we have to do what we can to leave the World a little better than we found it.


And in my view that means not racking up unsustainable debts to be dumped on future generations.


Edited by trastrick
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Has any of them touched on the 'Elephant in the room'?   Humans cause climate change, ipso facto overpopulation causes climate change. 


I didn't catch overpopulation mentioned in David Attenborough's speech to COP26, although he's been banging on about it for a few years now. 


Surely, when he had the chance to address the world, he should have said something? 

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26 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Has any of them touched on the 'Elephant in the room'?   Humans cause climate change, ipso facto overpopulation causes climate change. 


I didn't catch overpopulation mentioned in David Attenborough's speech to COP26, although he's been banging on about it for a few years now. 


Surely, when he had the chance to address the world, he should have said something? 

Im no expert but cant see overpopulation making things more extreme when we are doing the wrong things, it exagerates things yes but if we are doing the wrong thing anyway.

like in my video eating beef, the cattle ranches in Brazil etc are massive and need huge swathes of forest cut down. yes overpopulation means more beef is needed, but tons of beef would be needed anyway. If people didnt eat beef you'd need less cattle (they are only bred for meat) and so less forests cut down to make way for the ranches

Edited by melthebell
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12 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Has owt happened ?

Nowt has happened!! Another conference another failure to act.  As usual just Blah! Blah! Blah!

We are just going to carry on polluting the environment and atmosphere.. 

The human race is running itself towards extinction, the future looks bleak for the younger generations, the poor and disabled.

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